The GCSC was founded in the margins of the Munich Security Conference (MSC) in February 2017 on the initiative of Dutch Foreign Minister Bert Koenders. It is more or less the extension of the Global Commission on Internet Governance (GCIG), which is a commissioner of GCSC.
Having a three-year mandate, the GCSC develops recommendations that contribute to stability on the Internet. The GCSC is made up of 27 commissioners, including Carl Bildt, Vint Cerf, CIE of Google, Michael Chertoff, former US Secretary of Homeland Security, Virgilio Almeida, former Brazilian Secretary for Information Technology Policies, Uri Rosenthal, former Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs, Khoo Boon Hui, former President of Interpol, and Xiangdong Lee, former CEO of CNNIC, Jeff Moss, VEO of BlackHat, as well as representatives of all stakeholder groups from all parts of the world. It is chaired by the former Estonian Foreign Minister, Marina Kaljurand.
The GCSC is supported by the foreign ministries of the Netherlands, France and Singapore as well as by Mircrosoft and ISOC. The "The Hague Center for Strategic Studies" and the "EastWest Institute" in Washington act as secretariat.
Conference Reports on: GCSC