Q2/2021 - Italienische G20-Präsidentschaft

G20-Treffen der Finanzminister und Notenbankpräsidenten, 7. April 2021

Beim Treffen der G20-Finanzminister am 7. April 2021 wurden weitere Fortschritte bei der Ausarbeitung eines endgültigen Rahmenabkommens für eine globale Steuerreform, die die Einführung einer globalen Digitalsteuer einschließt, erreicht. Das seit Jahren verhandelte „G20/OECD Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS)“ befindet sich damit auf der Zielgerade. Ein weiteres Treffen der G20-Finanzminister und ein Expertenseminar sind für Anfang Juli 2021 in Venedig geplant. Beobachter erwarten eine endgültige Einigung im Umfeld des für Oktober 2021 anberaumten G20-Gipfeltreffens in Rom. [1]

Mehr zum Thema
  1. [1] 2nd Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting, 7. April 2021, „We will continue our cooperation for a globally fair, sustainable, and modern international tax system. We remain committed to reaching a global and consensus-based solution building on the solid basis of the Reports on the Blueprints for Pillar 1 and Pillar 2, by mid-2021. We acknowledge the progress made to date and urge the G20/OECD Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) to address the remaining outstanding issues with a view to achieving an agreement by the set deadline. We acknowledge the progress made on implementing the internationally agreed tax transparency standards and support the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD) ongoing work to explore proposals for automatic exchange of information on crypto-assets. We look forward to a constructive discussion at the High Level Tax Symposium on Tax Policy and Climate Change in July. We take note of the OECD updated report on Tax and Fiscal Policy in Response to the COVID-19 Crisis. We reaffirm our engagement to support developing countries in strengthening the capacity to build sustainable tax revenue bases and ask the OECD to prepare a report on progress made through their participation at the G20/OECD Inclusive Framework on BEPS and identify possible areas where domestic resource mobilization efforts could be further supported.“ In: https://www.g20.org/2nd-finance-ministers-and-central-bank-governors-meeting.html