Q1/2019 - UN High Level Panel on Digital Cooperation

Genf, 21. - 22. Januar 2019

Auf der zweiten und ursprünglich letzten Sitzung des UN Panels wurde die Grundstruktur des für Ende Mai erwarteten Abschlussberichts diskutiert.

Im Ergebnis der öffentlichen Konsultationen – über 300 Beiträge wurde von allen Stakeholdergruppen eingereicht – einigte sich das Panel auf die Definition von neun sogenannten „enablers“[1] für eine erweiterte digitale Kooperation. Der Bericht wird sich in sechs Abschnitte gliedern und eine Reihe Empfehlungen enthalten[2].

Das Panel konnte jedoch zu wesentlichen Teilen keinen Konsensus erzielen. Es wurde daher vereinbart, am 3. und 4. April in Helsinki ein drittes Treffen abzuhalten. Der Bericht soll dennoch bis zum 31. Mai 2019 fertig sein. Es obliegt dann dem UN Generalsekretär, wie er mit dem Bericht das Panels verfährt. Es wird erwartet, dass er den Bericht auf der 74. UN-Vollversammlung, die im September 2019 beginnt, zur Diskussion stellt.

Mehr zum Thema
  1. [1] Meeting Summary, 2nd Meeting, Genf, 22. Januar 2019: „The following nine key “enablers” of digital cooperation surfaced from consultations across stakeholder groups, geographies and thematic areas: 1. Leadership and political will, 2. Incentive alignment; 3. Implementation of guiding values and principles; 4. Shared meanings;5. Clear roles and responsibilities; 6. Coherence in action; 7. Inclusiveness; 8. Trust, 9. Capacity“. Siehe: https://digitalcooperation.org/meeting-summary-consultation-insights-next-steps/
  2. [2] Meeting Summary, 2nd Meeting, Genf, 22. Januar 2019: Areas for Potential Receommendations: „1. Inclusiveness: How can we ensure that digital technologies are inclusive, especially for the most vulnerable parts of society? Can inclusiveness become the lens through which we create and assess digital policy? These were among the questions Panel members explored as they discussed ideas like Internet access as a human right; increasing participation in the digital economy; and education systems that ensure everyone develops skills for the digital age. 2. Digital Public Goods: Panel members felt that greater conceptual clarity on the term “digital public goods” would help us understand how they could serve as the backbone of inclusive participation in the digital economy. They explored ways in which digital public goods could be fostered, maintained, and shared on possible platforms. 3. Values and Principles: Many organizations and initiatives have put forth lists of values and principles to guide behavior in the digital age. But how can these values be implemented in practice? The Panel discussed potential mechanisms for helping organizations and governments embed values and principles in business practices and policy. 4. Governance: What mechanisms can we put in place to help us govern digital technologies and their impact on society? The Panel explored a range of possibilities, from reforming existing institutions to creating a global council for ethics and training public sector leaders. 5. Safety and Security: How can we encourage various stakeholders to come together to promote greater security and stability when it comes to digital technology? The Panel considered the major challenges of digital security and explored potential solutions, including stronger authentication and improving mechanisms for traceability and attribution. 6. Data: Some Panel members invoked the metaphor of data as the “life-blood” of the 21st century economy. In this context, Panel members asked: How do we ensure that data and data-driven technologies work for all? They also discussed ideas for managing the concentration of data, promoting the sharing of data, and potential parameters for treating data, such as anonymized health research data, as a public good“. https://digitalcooperation.org/meeting-summary-consultation-insights-next-steps/