Q3/2020 - NATO

Rede von NATO-Generalsekretär Jens Stoltenberg, „Center for European Policy Analysis“ (CEPA, Brüssel, 21. September 2020

Vor dem „Center for European Policy Analysis“ (CEPA) am 21. September 2020 in Brüssel unterstrich NATO-Generalsekretär Jens Stoltenberg, dass die Anstrengungen der NATO zur Stärkung von Cybersicherheit und Cyberverteidigung und zur Entwicklung von Fähigkeiten auf Desinformationskampgnen im Internet reagieren zu können auch China ins Blickfeld nähme. Die NATO sei ein regionales Bündnis für den transatlantischen Raum, könne aber die Entwicklungen im globalen Cyberspace, die maßgeblich auch von China mitgestaltet werden, nicht ignorieren[1].

Rede des stellvertretende NATO-Generalsekretärs, Mircea Geoană, CYBERSEC GLOBAL, Bratislava, 28. September 2020

Am 28. September 2020 äußerte sich der stellvertretende NATO-Generalsekretär, Mircea Geoană, auf der jährlichen CYBERSEC GLOBAL 2020-Konferenz in Bratislava, die dieses Jahr als virtuelles Meeting stattfand, zur Cyberstrategie der NATO. „Cyber“ spiele eine zentrale Rolle in der NATO. Die NATO-Staaten sind sich einig, dass Artikel 5 des NATO-Vertrages, demnach der Angriff auf ein Land als ein Angriff auf alle Länder gesehen wird, auch für Cyberangriffe gilt. Vor dem Hintergrund von COVID-19 habe der Kampf gegen Cyberattacken und Desinformationskampagnen an Bedeutung gewonnen. Insbesondere autoritäre Regime würden neue Technologien für antidemokratische Zwecke missbrauchen. Der Westen dürfe im Cyberspace keinen zweiten „Sputnik-Schock“ wie 1957 erleben. Die westliche Gesellschaft müsse jedoch eine offene Gesellschaft bleiben, um jene freiheitlichen Rahmenbedingungen zu erhalten, die Innovation ermöglichen, um Wohlstand und Sicherheit der westlichen Welt zu erhalten und weiter zu entwickeln[2].

Mehr zum Thema
  1. [1] Keynote speech by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the CEPA forum, Brüssel, 21. September 2020; „NATO is a regional Alliance and will remain a regional Alliance. But we need to work even more closely with like-minded countries and organisations. To remain competitive in a more competitive world. To strengthen our security. And to defend the global rules-based order and the multilateral institutions that have kept us safe for decades. This is important, for instance, when we deal with disinformation campaigns, cyber threats, terrorism, threats from space, or even a pandemic like the one we are facing today. No country alone can tackle these challenges. Not even NATO alone. It requires a global effort. It is also important to work together and leverage our partnerships in our approach to China. The rise of China is fundamentally shifting the global balance of power. It is on course to become the world's largest economy. And it is rapidly becoming a global leader in new technology. It already has the world's second largest defence budget. And it is investing heavily in new capabilities, including missiles that can reach all NATO Allies. China does not hesitate to use its economic and diplomatic weight, to intimidate trading partners and private companies. And to advance its alternative vision of a world order, both at home and abroad. The rise of China can provide new opportunities for cooperation and commerce. But we must be clear-eyed about the challenges. And not compromise on our values of fairness, transparency, and respect for a rules based international order.“ In: https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/opinions_178195.htm?selectedLocale=en
  2. [2] Speech by NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană at the CYBERSEC GLOBAL 2020 virtual conference, Bratislava, 28. September 2020: „Cyber threats are becoming more frequent, more complex and more destructive. This is why we have made some important decisions in recent years to make NATO more ‘cyber-ready’ and ‘cyber-secure’. We agreed that a cyber-attack could trigger Article 5 of our founding treaty. Where an attack against one All is treated as an attack against all. We designed and we designated cyberspace as a military domain, alongside land, sea and air. Also space has now also become a domain of operations, as our leaders decided in London last year. We agreed to establish a Cyberspace Operations Centre at the heart of our military command structure. We have also agreed to integrate national cyber effects or offensive cyber into Alliance operations and missions. And we have a Cyber Defence Pledge that is essential for enhancing our resilience to cyber threats. All of this makes NATO more effective and more resilient to attacks in cyberspace. Now we have to keep up the momentum. Some actors are using the current COVID-19 crisis to exploit our vulnerabilities, including those in cyberspace. They try to undermine us and disrupt our way of life. There has been an increase in malicious cyber activities since the start of the crisis. Research institutes, hospitals and other healthcare services have been targeted. This is dangerous and irresponsible. It can cost innocent lives. And these activities do not go unanswered. In June, NATO Allies issued a joint statement condemning the destabilization and malicious cyber activities taking place in the context of the pandemic. … Through the Cyber Defence Pledge – agreed at the Summit in Warsaw in 2016 – Allies are already strengthening their national cyber networks and infrastructure. Poland, for example, has done some innovative work in developing its next generation of cyber defenders. But what we are learning from the COVID-19 crisis is that we need to do more to better protect our cyber infrastructure. And more broadly speaking, we need to do more to remain competitive in the field of new and emerging technologies in a broader sense. This is key to our security. It is also key to safeguard our fundamental values – freedom, democracy, and rule of law. We, the political West, are on the verge of a new ‘Sputnik Moment’. Moments where a non-Western power might actually overtake us. We are now competing with authoritarian regimes that misuse and abuse new technologies to destabilise us, and to manipulate and disrupt our free and democratic way of life. Countries that don’t share our values, such as China and Russia, are investing heavily in technologies that help them increase control over their own citizens and exert influence in the world. … Open societies like ours, that respect international law, where people are free to think, explore and collaborate will always be more effective and more creative than closed societies. But maintaining our technological edge requires a collective effort, a permanent effort. Much of the unexpected comes from the rapid pace of technological change. Of course from geopolitics, but also from technological change. So we need to make sure we stay ahead of the curve. With the best minds, the best universities, the best companies, as well as the best militaries in the world I am confident we will more than maintain our technological edge and keep our people safe for many generations to come.“ In: https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/opinions_178335.htm?selectedLocale=en