Q2/2020 - United Nations Commission on Science and Technology Development (CSTD)

CSTD-Sitzung, 10. – 12. Juni 2020, virtuelles Meeting

Auf der 23. Sitzung der CSTD wurde der jährliche Bericht des UN-Generalsekretärs über Fortschritte bei der Umsetzung der Beschlüsse des UN-Weltgipfels zur Informationsgesellschaft (WSIS) präsentiert. Der 22-seitige Bericht enthält in 143 Paragrafen eine detaillierte Aufzählung der zahlreichen Aktivitäten im Rahmen der WSIS-Aktionslinien. Der Bericht stellt fest, dass sich in den 15 Jahren seit Annahme der Tunis-Agenda die globale Informationsgesellschaft dramatisch verändert habe. Viele der Probleme der 2020er Jahre wie soziale Netzwerke, Cybersicherheit oder künstliche Intelligenz seien 2005 noch nicht sichtbar gewesen. Ungeachtet dessen, bleibt eine Konstante in dem sich rasch verändernden Kontext die WSIS-Forderung nach Aufbau einer „menschenzentrierten, inklusiven und entwicklungsorientierten Informationsgesellschaft“. Zum Thema Internet Governance erinnert der Bericht an die Empfehlung der Working Group on Enhanced Cooperation (WGEC), den Dialog zu diesem Thema fortzusetzen. Die WGEC hatte 2018 ihre Arbeit ergebnislos beendet. Gewürdigt wird das Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Berlin. Der Bericht bezieht sich auch auf die Empfehlungen des High Level Panel on Digital Cooperation (HLP) und lenkt den Blick auf die für 2025 geplante WSIS-Überprüfungskonferenz (WSIS+20)[1].

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  1. [1] Commission on Science and Technology for Development, twenty-third session [virtual informal meeting], 11. – 12. Juni 2020, Progress made in the implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society at the regional and international levels, Report of the Secretary-General 128. The nature of the information society continues to change dramatically. The Internet and social media have become fundamental to the lives of those who are online, but even those who are not personally connected are increasingly affected by the growing prevalence of ICTs in Government and business. Many of the technologies, products and services that dominate the current information society were in their infancy at WSIS, including social networking and cloud computing, big data and the Internet of things. Seven of the eight largest companies in the world today, by market capitalization, are data management companies that have grown rapidly since WSIS. Their reach extends beyond their origins in software and the Internet, to frontier technologies that are setting the stage for the evolving information society, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics and quantum computing. One constant in this rapidly changing context, however, has been the WSIS vision of a “people-centred, inclusive and development-oriented information society”. 133. Hopes placed in new technology will only be realized through dialogue and cooperation between the information society and other areas of international governance. The United Nations has a central role to play in this. In five years’ time, when the United Nations General Assembly reviews outcomes from WSIS, it will also need to look forward, in the light of the information society of the day, to identify ways of bridging persistent digital divides, maximizing the benefits of the information society, minimizing the risks that have become identified with it and leveraging ICTs to address the broader global challenges being faced. It will be particularly important for Governments and development partners to facilitate digital development in countries that are at risk of competitive disadvantage in the growing digital economy, to ensure that all countries, including the least developed countries, participate in future growth. 134. Achieving a forward-looking outcome from the 20-year review of WSIS will require much more extensive evidence about the impact of ICTs in different sectors and geographic contexts, foresight into the implications of frontier technologies and partnership between Governments, businesses and other stakeholders. The work to generate that evidence, secure that foresight and build those partnerships will be a priority for the United Nations system over the next five years.“ Siehe: https://unctad.org/en/pages/MeetingDetails.aspx?meetingid=2239