Q2/2020 - Saudi-Arabische G20-Präsidentschaft

G20-Finanzminister, 15. April 2020, Videokonferenz

Ungeachtet der Pandemie hat die saudi-arabische G20-Präsidentschaft eine Vielzahl der geplanten Treffen in Form von Videokonferenzen durchgeführt. Auch am Termin des G20-Gipfeltreffens am 21. und 22. November 2020 in Riad hält die saudische Regierung bislang fest.

Am 15. April 2020 fand ein virtuelles Treffen der G20-Finanzminister und Notenbankpräsidenten statt. Bei dem Treffen ging es primär um Finanzhilfen für von der Corona-Krise besonders betroffene Länder und Unternehmen. Zur Sprache kamen auch Cyberangriffe auf Banken. Das „Financial Services Board“ (FSB)[1], hatte dazu ein Arbeitspapier vorgelegt mit Empfehlungen, wie Finanzinstitutionen auf solche Cyberangriffe reagieren sollten. Das Papier enthält 46 Empfehlungen, die in sieben Kategorien aufgeteilt sind.

  • Governance – frames how cyber incident and recovery is organised and managed;
  • Preparation – to establish and maintain capabilities to respond to cyber incidents, and to restore critical functions, processes, activities, systems and data affected by cyber incidents to normal operations;
  • Analysis – to ensure effective response and recovery activities, including forensic analysis, and to determine the severity, impact and root cause of the cyber incident to drive appropriate response and recovery activities;
  • Mitigation – to prevent the aggravation of the situation and eradicate cyber threats in a timely manner to alleviate their impact on business operations and services;
  • Restoration – to repair and restore systems or assets affected by a cyber incident to safely resume business-as-usual delivery of impacted services;
  • Improvement – to establish processes to improve response and recovery capabilities through lessons learnt from past cyber incidents and from proactive tools, such as tabletop exercises, tests and drills;
  • Coordination and communication – to coordinate with stakeholders to maintain good cyber situational awareness and enhances the cyber resilience of the ecosystem[2].

Das strittige Thema einer globalen Digitalsteuer wurde im Kommuniqué der G20-Finanzminister und Notenbankpräsidenten vom 15. April 2020 nicht erwähnt[3].

G20-Digitalminister, 30. April 2020, Videokonferenz

Am 30. April 2020 fand ein virtuelles Treffen der G20-Digitalminister statt. Im Mittelpunkt dieses Treffen stand die Frage, wie die Digitalisierung beitragen kann, um die Folgen der Covid-19-Krise zu bewältigen. Die Minister verabschiedeten ein Statement, in dem sieben Aktionsfelder mit sehr detaillierten Vorhaben umrissen sind. Die G20-Minister versichern alle Anstrengungen zu unternehmen, um einen sicheren und erschwinglichen Zugang zum Internet für jedermann zu gewährleisten. Gestärkt werden solle der Austausch von Daten, Cybersicherheit und Forschung zu Entwicklungen digitaler Medizintechnik. Insgesamt ist dieses Dokument das umfangreichste und detaillierteste zum Thema Digitalisierung und Bewältigung der Folgen der Corona-Krise auf globaler Ebene[4].

G20-Digital Economy Task Force, 5. Mai und 1. bis 4. Juni 2020

Auch die G20 Digital Economy Task Force (G20-DETF) hat unter der saudischer G20-Präsidentschaft ihre Arbeit mit zwei Videokonferenzen am 5. Mai 2020 sowie am 3. und 4. Juni 2020 fortgesetzt. Bei der Tagung im Mai 2020 wurde der Entwurf einer “G20 Roadmap Toward a Common Framework for Measuring the Digital Economy” diskutiert. Bei dem virtuellen Meeting im Juni 2020 ging es generell um die „Zukunft der Digitalisierung“. In einer Presseerklärung werden als weitere Diskussionsthemen Data Flow, Smart Cities und Digital Security genannt. Am 1. Juni 2020 fand eine virtuelle Diskussion zur Rolle von künstlicher Intelligenz in der Corvid-19 Krise statt (G20 Dialogue on Trustworthy AI in Pandemic Response). Über die Presseerklärungen hinaus gab es jedoch keine Verlautbarungen. Die Ergebnisse der G20-DETF werden auf der virtuellen G20-Konferenz der Digitalminister am 22. und 23. Juli 2020 besprochen[5].

G20-Handelsminister, 24. Mai 2020, Videokonferenz

Am 14. Mai 2020 fand eine G20-Konferenz der Handelsminister statt. In dem Statement wurde auf die besondere Bedeutung der Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Handel und Digitalwirtschaft hingewiesen. Die G20 befürworten eine Widerbelebung der Verhandlungen zu einem Abkommen über eCommerce und digitalen Handel im Rahmen der WTO auf der Basis der “Joint Statement Initiative on eCommerce“ und des „Moratoriums on Customs Duties on Electronic Transmissions“[6]. Unter der japanischen G20-Präsidentschaft war diese Initiative unter dem Slogan „Free Flow for Trusted Data“ (FFTD) als „Osaka Fast Track“ gestartet worden. Die WTO-Ministerkonferenz, geplant für Juni 2020 in Kasachstan, ist auf 2021 verschoben worden.

Mehr zum Thema
  1. [1] Das Financial Service Board (FSB) war von den Staats- und Regierungschefs der G20 bei ihrem Gipfeltreffen 2009 in Pittsburgh in der Finanzkrise als Nachfolger des Financial Stability Forums (FSF) gegründet worden mit dem Mandat, an der Reform der Regeln für das globale Finanzsystem zu arbeiten, siehe: https://www.fsb.org/history-of-the-fsb/
  2. [2] Financial Service Board; Effective Practices for Cyber Incident Response and Recovery: Consultative Document, 20. April 2020, „Cyber incidents pose a threat to the stability of the global financial system. In recent years, there have been a number of major cyber incidents that have significantly impacted financial institutions and the ecosystems in which they operate. A major cyber incident, if not properly contained, could seriously disrupt financial systems, including critical financial infrastructure, leading to broader financial stability implications. Efficient and effective response to and recovery from a cyber incident by organisations in the financial ecosystem are essential to limiting any related financial stability risks. Such risks could arise, for example, from interconnected information technology systems between multiple financial institutions or between financial institutions and third-party service providers, from loss of confidence in a major financial institution or group of financial institutions, or from impacts on capital arising from losses due to the incident. The toolkit lists 46 effective practices, structured across seven components“. In: https://www.fsb.org/2020/04/effective-practices-for-cyber-incident-response-and-recovery-consultative-document/
  3. [3] Communiqué: Virtual meeting of the G20 finance ministers and central bank governors, 15. April 2020, http://www.g20.utoronto.ca/2020/2020-g20-finance-0415.html
  4. [4] Extraordinary G20 Digital Economy Ministerial Meeting: COVID-19 Response Statement, Virtual meeting, 30. April, 2020: „We, the G20 Ministers responsible for the digital economy, emphasize the promising role of digital technologies and relevant digital policies to strengthen and accelerate our collective response to the COVID-19 pandemic as well as to enhance our ability to prevent and mitigate future crises. We will work together to deliver on the commitment to leverage digital technologies made at the G20 Leaders' Extraordinary Summit on March 26.1. Communication infrastructure and network connectivity: Given the unprecedented near-term importance of access to Internet connectivity, we will work together on an urgent basis with the private sector and business entities, in particular with telecommunications and Internet service providers, and civil society, to maximize inclusive, secure, and affordable connectivity, especially in underserved areas and for vulnerable people. In addition, we underscore the importance of keeping telecommunication networks and digital infrastructure, in particular in health provider and research environments, robust, secure, accessible, and resilient. Furthermore, digital capacities should be expanded, in particular by increasing broadband connectivity using fixed, mobile, and satellite technologies and by exploring non-traditional means of connectivity, such as community networks. We recognize the importance of working with telecommunication providers to ensure the proper functioning of these critical networks, particularly in times of crises. 2. Exchange of data in a secure manner: Acknowledging the uncertainty associated with COVID-19 and the power of data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to accelerate pattern recognition and enable evidence-based policy-making, we encourage collaboration to collect, pool, process, and share reliable and accurate non-personal information that can contribute to the monitoring, understanding, and prevention of the further spread of COVID-19 as well as other infectious diseases. COVID-19-related data should be collected and processed in an ethical, transparent, safe, interoperable, and secure manner that protects the privacy and data security of individuals, in line with the International Health Regulations (IHR) 2005, and national laws and regulations. We acknowledge the need to ensure that potential biases in the data or algorithms are appropriately addressed. 3. Research and development of digital technologies for health: We recognize the potential of digital technologies, including AI, to contribute to the fight against and prevention of pandemics by accelerating development of potential diagnostics, treatments, and vaccines, playing a critical role in diagnosis, supporting health professionals, monitoring of patients' vital signs remotely or in the hospital, facilitating remote care through virtual care and telemedicine, optimizing hospital logistics and operations, and providing information to the public via chatbots. We commit to use all digital means at our disposal, including the high-performance computing capacities available to us, to accelerate progress in developing, manufacturing, and deploying drug therapies and vaccines. We welcome increased investment in AI research and the expanded use of diverse computing infrastructures, including high-performance and cloud computing applications, to realize this vast potential. We support that the research and deployment of digital health technologies are evidence-based and human-centric, including respecting privacy. We support research on technologies to help individuals, notably health workers, families, and communities, and to support outbreak responses. 4. Use of digital technologies and solutions: Given the extreme importance and urgency of slowing down the spread of COVID-19, we will endeavor to work collaboratively to leverage digital technologies and solutions to enable individuals and firms to continue to participate in the economy. We support the evidence-based, trustworthy, and human-centric deployment of digital technologies and solutions and any resulting policies, in a manner that respects individuals' privacy, security, and human rights. We will further promote digital work and the development of basic digital skills in companies, public institutions, schools, and universities. We encourage the expanded and secure use of tools that facilitate remote working and learning, and thereby support the continuity of economic and social activity as much as possible in a pandemic. We will encourage and collaborate with the research community, private sector, and business entities to promote the use of digital technologies and solutions for the development and manufacturing of critical medical equipment and supplies (including disinfectants, Personal Protective Equipment, and ventilators) to fight COVID-19 and other infectious diseases. 5. Secure and trusted online environment Given the increased digital vulnerability in the context of a pandemic, we will endeavor to share best practices within existing national processes to enable timely national response to counteract malicious cyber activities that present material risks to the security of the digital economy and the individuals and businesses of which it consists. We encourage online platforms as well as other businesses and organizations to continue to share trustworthy information and prevent disinformation, hoaxes, and online scams, while respecting freedom of expression. In addition, we will work to ensure that reliable official crisis communication over digital channels is available. 6. Business resilience: To support and strengthen the resilience of businesses, in particular MSMEs, women, and young entrepreneurs, and help them overcome digital divides, we note the importance of access to capital and the inclusive uptake of more sophisticated digital technologies. We encourage MSMEs to leverage digital technologies and solutions in carrying out production, business activities, and international trade cooperation, so as to maintain the stability of global supply chains. In parallel, we encourage the transition to digitalized production systems, e-commerce, digital supply of services, e-invoicing, and e-payments, and other services, as well as smart working solutions, including remote working, and innovative new business models. To enable this acceleration to digital business models, the G20 Saudi Presidency will work with stakeholders and International Organizations to develop a menu of policy options that will serve as a knowledge asset for governments of G20 countries and beyond. 7. Conclusions and way forward: To achieve the urgent progress in these areas that the current crisis demands, we encourage the sharing among G20 countries of digital economy policy interventions, practices, lessons learned, and solutions in response to COVID-19. This will help us identify critical common challenges, proven policy interventions and implementation practices to help G20 countries and beyond, in particular developing countries and regions, to mitigate the immediate challenges of COVID-19 and those that may emerge in the future. This present crisis carries with it an opportunity for governments to encourage the use of our most advanced technologies in order to prevent, mitigate, treat, and defeat future pandemics, and to facilitate the development of digital innovations that will enable a full economic recovery. The Digital Economy Task Force will encourage the dissemination of current and emerging digital tools for fighting this pandemic. Taking stock of and building on this experience, Italy is open to support and continue dialogue on the application of advanced technologies to fight pandemics in the upcoming G20 Presidency.“ http://www.g20.utoronto.ca/2020/2020-g20-digital-0430.html
  5. [5] G20 Discusses the Long-Term Vision for the Digital Economy, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 4. Juni 2020“ „The G20 Digital Economy Taskforce (DETF) held consecutive virtual meetings on June 3 to June 4 to discuss a comprehensive approach to digital economy policymaking and the future of digitalization. Members from G20 countries, guest countries, international and regional organizations, addressed the relevance of digitalization in maintaining business operations following the COVID-19 outbreak:.Data Flows, Smart Cities, Digital Economy measurement and Digital Security were also on the agenda as well as the Connecting Humanity 2030 initiative. Delegates also discussed digitalization in the context of the current crisis with a long-term vision for the best use of digital tools to build economic resiliency and promote job retention. Prior to the DETF meeting, on June 1, the Dialogue on Trustworthy AI in Pandemic Response brought together experts from both the public and private sectors, and academia to explore the optimal role of government in Artificial Intelligence. The potential use of the technology in diverse sectors was raised, along with how AI can be an efficient tool in pandemic responses. The Dialogue also examined the G20’s role in policy discussions and the long-term inclusion of AI on the G20 agenda. G20 Digital Economy Ministers will review and continue the work of the Taskforce at their meeting on July 22-23.“
  6. [6] G20 Trade and Investment Ministerial Meeting:Ministerial Statement: 14. Mai 2020: „Paragraph 2.1.6: We reaffirm the importance of interface between trade and digital economy, and note the ongoing discussions under the Joint Statement Initiative on Electronic Commerce and the Moratorium on Customs Duties on Electronic Transmissions, and reaffirm the need to reinvigorate the Work Program on Electronic Commerce at the WTO“, in: http://www.g20.utoronto.ca/2020/2020-g20-trade-0514.html