Q2/2021 - Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI), Aufruf, 24. April 2021

Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI), Aufruf, 24. April 2021

Am 26. April 2021 hat die „Alliance for Affordable Internet“ (A4AI) einen Aufruf veröffentlicht, der darauf zielt, die 3,5 Milliarden Menschen, die noch nicht online sind, ins Netz zu bringen. Es seien gerade die „Offliner“, die in der Pandemie besonders benachteiligt sind. Für sie seien Alternativen wie Homeoffice, Distance Learning oder Online Shopping keine Optionen, um die schweren Belastungen der Pandemie abzumildern. Der Ruf „Leave No One Behind: A People-Centered Approach to Achieve Meaningful Connectivity“ enthält fünf Punkte und wendet sich insbesondere an die private Wirtschaft, mehr in Technologie und Infrastruktur in unterentwickelten Regionen der Welt zu investieren. Bis 2030 soll die digitale Spaltung überwunden werden. Neben zahlreichen zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen wurde der Aufruf auch von Brad Smith, Präsident von Microsoft, Eric Loeb, Vizepräsident von Salesforce und Rajeev Badyal, Vizepräsident bei Amazon gezeichnet. Die A4AI stellte den Aufruf auch bei der Sondersitzung der 75. UN-Vollversammlung zur „Roadmap for Digital Cooperation“ am 28. April 2021 vor. [1]

Mehr zum Thema
  1. [1] Leave No One Behind: A People-Centered Approach to Achieve Meaningful Connectivity, April 26, 2021. „At the 2021 High-Level Digital Debate of the General Assembly on Connectivity and Digital Cooperation, we encourage the international community to put people at the center of our approach to ensure no one is left behind without affordable access, skilling, and basic public services. Governments, industry, multilateral institutions, civil society and international financial institutions must work together and lead the way for concerted action to: 1. Close the digital divide by 2030. We must overcome the disparities between those who can enjoy the benefits of the digital age and those who cannot. It is critical to measure progress of internet access and usage across regions and population groups, e.g., by gender, age, race, abilities. 2. Invest in affordable technology solutions. We must enable affordable and meaningful connectivity for everyone, everywhere by deploying a range of innovative technologies and investing in targeted approaches to deliver broadband internet. 3. Empower people everywhere. We must ensure all people have access to affordable internet-enabled devices, the necessary digital skills, literacy, and tools needed to access a safe, secure and empowering internet, one which provides access to information, basic public services (e.g., education, health), economic development opportunities and the ability to participate in civic life without disruptions. 4. Mobilize new financing models to reach the unconnected. We must foster innovative and sustainable financing including blended finance models and multistakeholder partnerships. Financing efforts must address all aspects of human connectivity including skills, utility, affordability and target key groups including women and Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs). 5. Protect the most vulnerable online. We must keep human rights at the forefront of our efforts to close the digital divide. The international community must come together to ensure human rights online – and offline – apply equally for everyone in the digital age.” In: https://a4ai.org/leave-no-one-behind-a-people-centered-approach-to-achieve-meaningful-connectivity/