Q2/2021 - China

Rede von Xi Jinping, Boao Forum 23. April 2021

Auf einer Rede beim jährlichen Boao-Wirtschaftsforum – dem chinesischen Gegenstück zum Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos – am 23. April 2021 sprach sich der chinesische Präsident Xi Jinping für eine Stärkung des Multilateralismus aus, um das „globale Governance System stärker auf die Grundlagen von Fairness und Gleichberechtigung“ zu stellen. Kein Land dürfe für sich beanspruchen, die Regeln zu formulieren, die andere zu befolgen haben. Das gelte auch für alle mit dem technologischen Fortschritt, und hier insbesondere der Informations-Infrastruktur, zusammenhängenden Fragen. Man brauche neue Partnerschaften für eine globale Konnektivität, um die „Arterien der wirtschaftlichen Aktivitäten“ durchlässig zu halten. Im Zeitalter der Globalisierung sei Integration und Offenheit wichtig. Die Errichtung von „Mauern“ oder eine „Ent-Koppelung“ globaler Lieferketten seien sinnlos und würden gegen die Prinzipien einer freien Marktwirtschaft verstoßen. Eine solche Politik könne nur Schaden anrichten und würde dem Verursacher keinen Nutzen bringen. „China will work with all sides to promote "hard connectivity" of infrastructure and "soft connectivity" of rules and standards, ensure unimpeded channels for trade and investment cooperation, and actively develop Silk Road e-commerce, all in a bid to open up a bright prospect for integrated development.“ [1]

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  1. [1] Xi Jinping's speech via video link at Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) Annual Conference 2021, 20. April 2021: „Global governance should reflect the evolving political and economic landscape in the world, conform to the historical trend of peace, development and win-win cooperation, and meet the practical needs in addressing global challenges. We need to follow the principles of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, uphold true multilateralism, and make the global governance system more fair and equitable. We need to safeguard the UN-centered international system, preserve the international order underpinned by international law, and uphold the multilateral trading system with the World Trade Organization at its core. World affairs should be handled through extensive consultation, and the future of the world should be decided by all countries working together. We must not let the rules set by one or a few countries be imposed on others, or allow unilateralism pursued by certain countries to set the pace for the whole world. What we need in today's world is justice, not hegemony. Big countries should behave in a manner befitting their status and with a greater sense of responsibility. …. We need to deepen partnerships for connectivity and strengthen infrastructural links to keep the arteries of economic activities unclogged. We must seize the historical opportunities in a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, boost the digital economy, and step up exchanges and cooperation in such areas as artificial intelligence, biomedicine and modern energy, so that the fruits of scientific and technological innovation can be turned into greater benefits for people in all countries. In this age of economic globalization, openness and integration is an unstoppable historical trend. Attempts to "erect walls" or "decouple" run counter to the law of economics and market principles. They would hurt others' interests without benefiting oneself. … We will build a closer partnership for connectivity. China will work with all sides to promote "hard connectivity" of infrastructure and "soft connectivity" of rules and standards, ensure unimpeded channels for trade and investment cooperation, and actively develop Silk Road e-commerce, all in a bid to open up a bright prospect for integrated development.” In: https://news.cgtn.com/news/2021-04-20/Full-text-Xi-Jinping-s-speech-at-BFA-Annual-Conference-2021-ZBRd9uTb0c/index.html