Q3/2019 - Weltwirtschaftsforum Davos (WEF)

Sommerkonferenz WEF-Afrika, Kapstadt, 6. – 7. September 2019

Das Weltwirtschaftsforum Davos (WEF) hat seine Sommerkonferenz im September 2019 in Kapstadt in Südafrika durchgeführt. Grundlage war eine vom WEF erarbeite E-Commerce Roadmap for Africa[1]. Digitalisierung, Künstliche Intelligenz, 5G und Cybersicherheit waren Schwerpunkte der Diskussion. Das Treffen fand statt vor dem Hintergrund des kürzlich abgeschlossenen „Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)“. Der südafrikanische Präsident Cyril Ramaphosa, der auch Co-Vorsitzender der ILO Global Commission on the Future of Work ist, versprühte auf dem WEF-Forum Optimismus: „The future is great, it looks very bright for the African continent, and if there was ever a time when Africa can definitely be said to be on the rise, this is the time. This is Africa's century, and we want to utilize it to good effect"[2].

Studie „Responsible Use of Technology“, San Francisco, 19. September 2019

In einer neuen Studie des in San Francisco ansässigen WEF-Instituts zur 4. Industriellen Revolution hat sich das WEF mit neuen Entwicklungen disruptiver Technologie im Internet-, Cyber- und Digitalbereich auseinandersetzt. In der Studie „White Paper: Responsible Use of Technology“ geht es um Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotics, 3D Printing, Internet der Dinge (IoT), 5G, Blockchain, Quantum Computing, Autonomes Fahren, Biotechnology und Nanotechnology. Die Studie enthält Empfehlungen, wie die neuen Phänomene gemanagt und geregelt – im Rahmen vor allem von bestehenden Menschenrechtsnormen und auf der Basis ethischer Standards – werden sollen. Das Papier schlägt dafür ein „Framework for the responsible use of technologies“ vor[3].

Mehr zum Thema
  1. [1] World Economic Forum in Africa: An E-Commerce Roadmap, Kapstadt, 6. September 2019, „E-commerce in Africa is well underway, but it has potential to grow, creating new jobs and driving sustainable development. E-commerce stakeholders from within and beyond the continent have put together an action agenda to overcome the challenges to future e-commerce growth in the region. Goals and recommended next steps are identified in eight areas: 1. Refresh policies; 2. Expand connectivity, 3. Upgrade logistics, 4. Enable e-payments, 5. Manage data, 6. Grow tech, 7. Coach small business, 8. Join forces. The agenda recognizes that for any individual e-commerce business to prosper, a wide ecosystem of digital technology and supporting companies must flourish, with a mix of local and global action needed to leverage cross-border opportunities. The agenda also notes that e-commerce sits within a broader digital economy context, including infrastructure-related, and technology questions, such as 5G. Policy cooperation on related digital issues – taxation, competition, labour and consumer protection, intellectual property – is critical too. These areas will be the guard-rails of e-commerce and the digital economy. The publication is led by the World Economic Forum and the International Trade Centre, with contributions from other partners. Siehe: https://www.weforum.org/reports/africa-e-commerce-agenda-roadmap-for-action
  2. [2] Cyril Ramaphosa, Rede auf dem WEF Forum Afrika, Kapstadt, 6. September 2019: This is Africa's century' - what we learned at the World Economic Forum in Cape Town 2019, siehe: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/09/world-economic-forum-africa-2019-ramaphosa-gender-violence-youth/ Programme siehe auch: https://www.weforum.org/events/world-economic-forum-on-africa-2019/programme
  3. [3] How to Design Responsible Technology: New Framework for Innovation from World Economic Forum Released, San Francisco, 19. September 2019, „Conclusion: Building on this report, the Responsible Development, Deployment and Use of Technology project seeks to produce a framework and suite of implementation tools for organizations to use to advance responsible technology practices. These tools will implement our desire for a smart and deliberate combination of both ethics‑based and human‑rights‑based approaches. With a multistakeholder steering committee now in place, the project is focused on pursuing global stakeholder input and participation. Planned deliverables include a “World Economic Forum Responsible Use Decision Framework” and a library of resources to improve the integration of both ethical and human‑rights‑based approaches across roles and business functions. Furthermore, the project will work to create toolkits or playbooks pertaining to each stage of the product life cycle: development, deployment and use. Responsible Use of Technology.“ Siehe: https://www.weforum.org/press/2019/09/how-to-design-responsible-technology-new-framework-for-innovation-from-world-economic-forum-released-10a5d43deb