Q3/2020 - CyberPeace Institut (CPI), Genf

Partnerschaft „Trust Valley“, September 2020

Das 2019 von der Hewlett Foundation, Mastercard und Microsoft gegründete und von der ehemaligen holländischen Europa-Abgeordneten Marietje Schaake geleiteten „CyberPeace Institut“ in Genf beginnt seine Aktivitäten ungeachtet der Pandemie zügig auszubauen. Es hat mittlerweile knapp zehn Mitarbeiter. Es weitet seine Partnerschaften mit anderen Institutionen aus, u.a. mit dem in Genf ansässigen Netzwerk „Trust Valley“[1]. Das CPI hat begonnen, Stellungnahmen zu laufenden internationalen Verhandlungen abzugeben, insbesondere zu den Cybersicherheitsverhandlungen im Rahmen der UNO (OEWG, UN-GGE). Mit der Initiative „Cyber4Health“ hat das Institut auf die Folgen der Pandemie für die Bereich der Cybersicherheit reagiert.

Blog Internet Governance, 21. September 2020

In einem Blog hat sich der CEO des CyberPeace Instituts, Stéphane Deguin, für einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz bei der Analyse der Probleme des Internet Governance Ecosystems stark gemacht. Nur so könne man der Komplexität des digitalen Zeitalters in einer interdependenten Welt gerecht werden. Er beklagte, dass die meisten Internet-Verhandlungen derzeit in „Silos“ stattfinden. „This siloed approach between actors makes it complex to address the challenges of cyberspace. As a matter of fact, these different communities are interdependent as they are facing the same critical questions: How to discuss a common good when there is a serious underrepresentation of certain areas of the world in cyber discussions? How to advance norms and regulations? How to reach consensus on sovereignty and cyberspace? How to create incentive for state and non-state actors to operationalize norms? How to enforce consequences when norms are violated? How to assist targeted civilian populations in a scalable and sustainable way, when there is such an asymmetry in the capabilities of attackers and defenders? How to ensure accountability, when state-actors and related proxies are operating in a culture of obfuscation, benefiting from a technical landscape which evolves at an exponential pace (i.e. AI, 5G)?[2]

Cyber4Healthcare, 12. Juli 2020

Die im Juli 2020 gestartete Initiative „Cyber4Healthcare“ zielt vor allen darauf, ein stärkeres Bewusstsein für die Notwendigkeit einer globalen Cyberhygiene zu schaffen[3].

Mehr zum Thema
  1. [1] The CyberPeace Institute Partners with the Swiss Trust Valley for Digital Transformation and Cybersecurity, in: https://cyberpeaceinstitute.org/blog/2020-10-09-the-cyberpeace-institute-partners-with-the-swiss-trust-valley-for-digital-transformation-and-cybersecurity
  2. [2] Stéphane Duguin, Internet Governance: Geneva Can Be an incubator for Innovative Solutions to Achieve CyberPeace, Genf, 22. September 2020: „Internet Governance discussions will not happen in a vacuum, as it is easy to forget that governing the Internet is not about governing networks or infrastructures, but protecting and empowering people. It is about ensuring that civilian communities can benefit from a cyberspace at peace, everywhere. On the other hand, the proliferation of initiatives might widen existing gaps. Internet Governance is a multidisciplinary field, and due to the multi-layered nature of the Internet, actors of diverse backgrounds have very distinct focus areas. Some actors might concentrate for instance on infrastructure and standards, others on the rules governing digital services and content online, and others on normative frameworks for responsible behaviour in the cyberspace. Any of these fields are potentially prone to abuse but each one of them bears very different challenges, and most initiatives require specific specializations that have the potential to create blind spots. These parallel worlds of Internet Governance, whilst situated in a small geographical area across the riverbed, are not known to be very porous to each other. For example, it is a challenge to ensure that technology informs diplomacy in real time, and articulates how a technical breakthrough disrupts the policy environment. Let us remember how Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau shaped 30 years of norms from within CERN, when they issued their proposals for the World Wide Web. Shaping the technical reality of cyberspace immediately causes an impact to its normative framework at a global scale. All of these challenges have attracted the establishment of the CyberPeace Institute in Geneva. … We acknowledge Internet Governance as a complex process, however, we do not forget that civilian interests should be at the center of our actions. Internet Governance is about ensuring the readiness of a normative framework towards the sophistication of malicious acts of state and non-state actors. It is about ensuring that this framework provides for the tools and methodologies to hold malicious actors accountable, and that conducting a malicious act bears consequence.“ In: https://cyberpeaceinstitute.org/blog/2020-09-21-internet-governance-geneva-can-be-an-incubator-for-innovative-solutions-to-achieve-cyberpeace