Q3/2020 - Saudi-Arabische G20-Präsidentschaft

Ankündigung des virtuellen G20-Gipfeltreffens, 28. September 2020

Ungeachtet der Pandemie hat die saudi-arabische G20-Präsidentschaft eine Vielzahl der geplanten Treffen in Form von Videokonferenzen durchgeführt. Am 28. September 2020 wurde bekanntgegeben, dass das geplanten G20-Gipfeltreffens am 21. und 22. November 2020 in Riad als ein virtuelles Meeting unter Leitung von König Salman ibn Abd al-Aziz Al Saud stattfinden wird[1].

G20-Digitalminister, 22. Juli 2020, Videokonferenz

Das virtuelle Treffen der G20-Digitalminister fand am 22. Juli 2020 statt. Es wurde eine Deklaration verabschiedet, die im Wesentlichen auf den Empfehlungen der 2016 gebildeten „G20 Digital Economy Task Force (G20 DETF) beruht[2]. Die Minister beschlossen, die bisherige Task Force in eine „G20 Digital Economy Working Group“ umzugestalten und ihr damit einen höheren Stellenwert im Gefüge der G20 einzuräumen. Die Deklaration behandelt fünf Themen:

Künstliche Intelligenz: In diesem Abschnitt werden die von der OECD erarbeiteten und beim letzten G20-Gipfel in Osaka (Juni 2019) verabschiedeten KI-Prinzipien und die Notwendigkeit eines Multistakeholder-Dialogs bekräftigt. Es werden „Best-Practice“-Beispiele für die Umsetzung der Prinzipien auf nationaler Ebene aufgeführt und die G20-Staaten werden aufgefordert, nationale KI-Politiken zu entwickeln[3].

Digitaler Handel: In diesem Abschnitt setzen sich die G20-Minister für einen Erfolg der WTO-Verhandlungen im Rahmen der „Joint Statement Initiative on eCommerce“ ein, bekräftigen die Rolle von „Daten“ für nachhaltige Entwicklung und wollen ein besseres Verständnis für „Privacy Enhancing Technologies“ (PETs) entwickeln[4].

Smart Cities: Die Minister fordern einen „ganzheitlichen Ansatz“ (holistic approach) bei der Entwicklung von „Smart Cities“, was den Aufbau von 5G-Netzen einschließt. Die sieben Empfehlungen für „Smart Mobility Practices“ sind im Annex 2 enthalten. Dort wird u.a. empfohlen, „Smart Mobility“ einzubetten in eine „Broader Strategy“ die „human-centric, rights respecting, inclusive, accessible and sustainable“ sein soll. Dabei wird der „Multistakeholder Collaboration“ ein hoher Stellenwert eingeräumt[5].

Measuring the Digital Economy: Seit Jahren wird versucht, ein global einheitliches System zur Erhebung von Daten für die Digitalwirtschaft zu entwickeln. Im Rahmen der UNO sind seit den 2010er-Jahren einige Fortschritte erzielt worden. Die G20 hatten 2017 unter der deutschen Präsidentschaft eine „Roadmap for Digitalization“ verabschiedet, die einen Abschnitt zu „Measuring the Digital Economy“ enthielt. 2018 wurde unter der argentinischen G20-Präsidentschaft ein „G20 Toolkit for Measuring the Digital Economy“ erarbeitet. Die saudische Präsidentschaft hat dies jetzt weiterentwickelt zu einer „G20 Roadmap toward a Common Framework for Measuring the Digital Economy“. Diese Roadmap enthält Definitionen, Indikatoren, Methoden zur Datenerhebung und institutionelle Arrangements, die Regierungen helfen sollen, schnell und komplikationslos an Daten zu gelangen, die sie befähigen, effektive nationale Politiken für die Entwicklung der Digitalwirtschaft auszuarbeiten[6].

Sicherheit in der Digitalwirtschaft: Das Thema Cybersicherheit war bislang nicht auf der Agenda der G20. Die saudische Präsidentschaft startete mit einem „G20 Cybersecurity Dialogue“ eine neue Schiene im G20-Netzwerk. Ziel ist es, bei der Entwicklung der Digitalwirtschaft die sicherheitspolitischen Aspekte stärker ins Blickfeld zu rücken. In den „G20 Examples of Practices related to Security in the Digital Economy“, die in Annex 4 der Deklaration zusammengefasst sind, werden mehr als 500 Beispiele und Referenzen aus den G20-Ländern genannt zu nationalen Cybersicherheitsstrategien, Cybersicherheitsinstitutionen, Gesetzen, Standards, Codes, CERTS, CIRTS, Ausbildungsprogrammen und Datenbanken[7].

G20-Finanzminister, 18. Juli 2020, Videokonferenz

Bei einem virtuellen Treffen der G20-Finanzminister am 18. Juli 2020 wurde der Stand der Verhandlungen für die Einführung einer globalen Digitalsteuer diskutiert. Die USA hatten die Verhandlungen im Rahmen des „G20/OECD Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS)“ im Juni 2020 mit Verweis auf die sich durch Covid-19 neu ergebenden Prioritäten verlassen. In dem Kommuniqué der G20-Finanzminister wird eingeräumt, dass die Pandemie Konsequenzen für die Verhandlungen habe, dass es aber nach wie vor das Ziel sei, im Rahmen von BEPS eine konsens-basierte Lösung bis zum Jahresende zu erreichen[8]

Mehr zum Thema
  1. [1] G20 Leaders' Summit to Be Held Virtually, under the Theme of "Realizing Opportunities of the 21st Century for All", 28. September 2020: „The 2020 G20 Leaders' Summit will be held virtually on November 21-22 and will be chaired by His Majesty King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. The G20 Presidency will build on the success of the extraordinary virtual G20 Leaders' Summit held in March, and on the outcomes of over 100 virtual working groups and ministerial meetings. The G20 is leading the fight against this global pandemic; taking swift and unprecedented actions to protect lives, livelihoods and the most vulnerable. The G20 has contributed over USD21 billion to support the production, distribution, and access to diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines; injected USD11 trillion to safeguard the global economy and, launched a debt suspension initiative for the least developed countries that would allow beneficiary countries to defer USD14 billion in debt payments due this year and use these amounts instead for financing their health systems and social programs. The upcoming G20 Leaders' Summit will focus on protecting lives and restoring growth, by addressing vulnerabilities uncovered during the pandemic and by laying down the foundations for a better future. The Summit will also focus on fostering international action to realize opportunities of the 21st century for all, by empowering people and protecting our planet, whilst harnessing the potential of innovation to shape new frontiers.“ In: http://www.g20.utoronto.ca/2020/2020-g20-summit-0927.html
  2. [2] Ministerial Declaration, G20 Digital Economy Ministers Meeting, 22. Juli 2020: „Building on the achievements and commitments of past Presidencies, we, the G20 Ministers responsible for the digital economy, met on 22 July 2020 to discuss harnessing digital technologies to realize opportunities of the 21st century for all. In 2020, the G20 Digital Economy Task Force (DETF) brought together all G20 members as well as guest countries. Saudi Arabia also invited the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) as knowledge partners. As our societies and the global economy digitalize, there are ever greater opportunities to advance standards of living through human-centric, data-driven, and evidence-based policy, increased economic competitiveness, higher-quality jobs, enhanced provision of public services in cities of all sizes and communities in remote and rural areas, and more inclusive societal participation of people from all backgrounds. Digitalization also poses challenges including how to bridge digital divides, and develop effective policies and strategies, that are innovative as well as agile, flexible, and adapted to the digital era, while addressing anti-competitive practices, safeguarding privacy, advancing security, building trust, and reducing inequalities. Digitalization is also increasing the importance of boosting job opportunities, increasing market access for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). We support fostering an open, fair, and non-discriminatory environment, protecting and empowering consumers, ensuring the safety and stability of supply chains in relevant areas, and advancing inclusiveness and human-centricity more broadly, noting the importance of the environmental impact of digitalization and introducing a gender lens. We continue to support international cooperation and multi-stakeholder engagement to design and implement evidence-based digital policies to address these challenges. We recognize that various countries have already taken steps with the intention of making policy approaches more flexible, holistic, and agile, for example through the use of regulatory sandboxes. We stress the importance of the digital economy and policy discussions to sustain progress on the implementation and achievements of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. We recognize that universal, secure, and affordable connectivity is a fundamental enabler of the development of the digital economy and a catalyst for inclusive growth, innovation, and sustainable development. We recognize the importance of initiatives related to advancing digital connectivity infrastructure, digital skills and awareness, the affordability of Internet services and devices, closing the digital gender gap, and the relevance of digital content. We recognize the need to close the gaps in these areas and the importance of working with stakeholders to connect humanity by accelerating global Internet penetration, especially in remote and rural areas. We emphasize the role of connectivity, digital technologies, and policies in accelerating our collaboration and response to the COVID-19 pandemic and enhancing our ability to prevent and mitigate future crises as stated in our Extraordinary Statement adopted on April 30, 2020. We note the Policy Options to Support Digitalization of Business Models during COVID-19, developed by the Saudi Presidency, which shares policies and practices to strengthen business continuity and resilience consistent with national circumstances. … We recognize that the digital economy has and will continue to have wide-ranging implications as a driver of inclusive economic growth and development, contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, and as a means to prevent and address crisis situations and aid businesses and industry in recovering from the impact of COVID-19. We acknowledge the crosscutting impact of the digital economy in overcoming development challenges, including growth, labor, employment, social, health, and cultural challenges. We therefore welcome continued discussion of the transformation of the Digital Economy Task Force to a Digital Economy Working Group.” In: http://www.g20.utoronto.ca/2020/2020-g20-digital-0722.html
  3. [3] Ministerial Declaration, G20 Digital Economy Ministers Meeting, 22. Juli 2020: „I. Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems have the potential to generate economic, social, and health benefits and innovation, drive inclusive economic growth, and reduce inequalities as well as accelerate progress toward the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They could also have potential impacts on the future of work, the functioning of critical systems, digital inclusiveness, security, trust, ethical issues, and human rights. We reaffirm our commitment to promoting a human-centered approach to AI and support the G20 AI Principles, which are drawn from the OECD AI Principles – including section 1, Principles for Responsible Stewardship of Trustworthy AI, and section 2, the Recommendations on National Policies and International Co- Operation for Trustworthy AI. We each commit to advance the G20 AI Principles, in accordance with national priorities. As a first step, we note the Examples of National Policies to Advance the G20 AI Principles (Annex 1), which presents a list of examples of national strategies and policy approaches to advance the G20 AI Principles, including investment in research, human capacity, innovation, and trustworthiness. We believe that there is a need for inclusive multi-stakeholder discussions and sharing of experiences on AI and related policy practices. We welcome the Dialogue hosted by the Saudi Presidency on trustworthy AI in pandemic response and note the Summary of Discussions from the G20 AI Dialogue in 2020. We promote continued multi-stakeholder discussions on AI, consistent with the G20 AI Principles.“ In: http://www.g20.utoronto.ca/2020/2020-g20-digital-0722.html
  4. [4] Ministerial Declaration, G20 Digital Economy Ministers Meeting, 22. Juli 2020: „II. Data Free Flow with Trust and Cross-Border Data Flows: In 2019, in Osaka, G20 Leaders acknowledged the importance of data free flow with trust and cross-border data flow and recognized the critical role played by effective use of data for digitalization, as enablers of economic growth, development, and social well-being, and expressed their willingness to cooperate to encourage the interoperability of different frameworks and reaffirmed the role of data for development. The cross-border flow of data, information, ideas and knowledge generates higher productivity, greater innovation, and improved sustainable development. At the same time, we recognize that the free flow of data raises certain challenges, such as the protection of privacy and personal data. G20 members recognize the need to address these challenges, in accordance with relevant applicable legal frameworks, which can further facilitate data free flow and strengthen consumer and business trust, without prejudice to legitimate public policy objectives, including by: sharing experiences and good practices for data policy, in particular interoperability and transfer mechanisms, and identifying commonalities between existing approaches and instruments used to enable data to flow across borders with trust; reaffirming the importance of the interface between trade and digital economy, noting the ongoing negotiations under the Joint Statement Initiative on electronic commerce and reaffirming the importance of the Work Programme on electronic commerce at the WTO; exploring and better understanding technologies such as privacy enhancing technologies (PETs).“ In: http://www.g20.utoronto.ca/2020/2020-g20-digital-0722.html
  5. [5] Ministerial Declaration, G20 Digital Economy Ministers Meeting, 22. Juli 2020: „III. Smart Cities: Building on the achievements of past Presidencies, we encourage further work with stakeholders for the development and deployment of digital technologies and solutions for human-centric, environmentally sound, sustainable, rights-respecting, and inclusive smart cities and communities that boost competitiveness and enhance well-being and community resilience. These digital solutions should be centered around connectivity and providing services in more efficient and personalized ways, while safeguarding human rights. These digital solutions should also be deployed responsibly with effective security and resilience in the digital economy to safeguard privacy, personal data, and service provision, and foster greater transparency and public trust. In this respect, we take note of the G20 Global Smart Cities Alliance initiative launched in 2019. We recognize that smart mobility is one of the elements of a holistic approach to smart cities and communities, serving as a vital engine of innovation and investment, and that smart mobility data and technology solutions can address some of the challenges of smart cities and communities, potentially reducing inequality of access to cities' services in an environmentally friendly way. We welcome the G20 Smart Mobility Practices (Annex 2) to contribute to this work. Its purpose is to provide guidance and best practices regarding how to accelerate the diffusion of smart mobility systems in ways that are human-centric, inclusive, and sustainable, based on experiences and shared knowledge of G20 members and beyond. We recognize the work of G20 members to facilitate smart mobility technology and digital infrastructure deployment, build the digital capacity of governments, promote interoperability, monitor the impacts of smart mobility including those on human rights, foster multi-stakeholder collaboration and partnership, and cultivate and promote digital inclusion. Going forward, we recognize the importance of aligning work on smart cities with the G20 Infrastructure Working Group and advancing smart cities and communities' approaches, in cooperation with local partners and other relevant social partners. We encourage the exploration of other elements of smart cities and communities beyond smart mobility.“ In: http://www.g20.utoronto.ca/2020/2020-g20-digital-0722.html
  6. [6] Ministerial Declaration, G20 Digital Economy Ministers Meeting, 22. Juli 2020: „IV. Measurement of the Digital Economy: Building on the work carried out under previous G20 Presidencies and following up on the draft 2018 G20 Toolkit for Measuring the Digital Economy, developed under the Argentine Presidency, we support advancing digital economy measurement. Reinforced cooperation will help advance consistency across different approaches and enhance evidence-based policymaking to contribute to the realization of the opportunities of the 21st century for all. We welcome the G20 Roadmap toward a Common Framework for Measuring the Digital Economy (The Roadmap, Annex 3) developed under the Saudi Presidency. The Roadmap contributes to closing measurement and implementation gaps, especially in developing economies, and to strengthening comparability of indicators, as well as statistical capacities in G20 countries and beyond. We promote inclusive and multi-stakeholder dialogue on measurement and recognize the contributions made during the G20 Workshop on Measurement of the Digital Economy. We acknowledge the importance of exchanging information on how best to define elements of the digital economy to guide measurement efforts. Building on the outcomes reached in Hangzhou in 2016, and the established frameworks of statistical accounting in sectors and industries, G20 countries this year recognize the proposal by the Saudi Presidency of a tiered definitional framework that supports the following overarching policy definition of elements of the digital economy, for measurement purposes: the digital economy incorporates all economic activity reliant on, or significantly enhanced by the use of digital inputs, including digital technologies, digital infrastructure, digital services, and data; it refers to all producers and consumers, including government, that are utilising these digital inputs in their economic activities. In order to improve our ability to monitor the social and economic impact of the digital economy, and evaluate policies to shape its evolution while ensuring that no one is left behind, including women and girls, we recognize the importance of representative indicators related to jobs, skills, including digital literacy, and growth, and their effective use across communities, taking into consideration the distribution of outcomes across gender, education, and other socio-economic factors wherever practicable. To improve data availability and current statistics and to strengthen the evidence base in measuring the digital economy, we support working with relevant stakeholders such as the private sector, business entities, educational institutions, civil society, and International Organizations, to consider identifying, developing, and using new and existing sources of data, including gender- or sex-disaggregated data, in accordance with national practices, where it does not yet exist, while protecting privacy and personal data. New business models enabled by digital transformation present various measurement challenges related to data, digital services, and digital platforms. We encourage the discussion and exploration of indicators to account for various measurement challenges, providing measurement guidance where possible, and recognizing efforts to integrate the digital economy into the national accounts and other statistical systems, where appropriate. We recognize the progress made to date and encourage further work on the priority areas identified by the Roadmap.“ In: http://www.g20.utoronto.ca/2020/2020-g20-digital-0722.html
  7. [7] Ministerial Declaration, G20 Digital Economy Ministers Meeting, 22. Juli 2020: „V. Security in the Digital Economy: In 2017, we acknowledged that trust and security are vital to harnessing the potential of the digital economy. In the context of rapidly expanding digitalization and the spread of advanced technologies, enhancing security in the digital economy is increasingly important. Building on our past discussions, in 2020 we commit to working with all stakeholders to advance security in the digital economy in the service of our shared economic interests. By working together, we can help mitigate security risks in the digital economy and reduce systemic risk, contributing to the advancement of strong, sustainable, and inclusive global economic growth. This year the Saudi Presidency hosted a G20 Cybersecurity Dialogue dedicated to inclusive multi-stakeholder, cross-sectoral discussion of the security risks and challenges, as well as opportunities, that characterize the digital economy. Discussions focused on ways in which inclusive capacity-building can support efforts to strengthen security in the digital economy, in particular in micro, small, and medium sized enterprises. We recognize efforts by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to create multi-stakeholder dialogue and advance progress in addressing the complex challenges of the digital domain, including through the 2020 Global Cybersecurity Forum. Recognizing that security in the digital economy is central to risk management strategies of all businesses, and highlighting the important place of MSMEs as elements of global value chains, in particular in the global economic response to COVID-19, we welcome the G20 Examples of Practices Related to Security in the Digital Economy (Annex 4), which highlights governmental programs and initiatives. This Annex includes examples provided by governments of policies related to resilience in the digital economy. We encourage all organizations to integrate the relevant aspects of resilience in the digital economy into their overall security risk management strategies, while preserving and respecting human rights. We promote continued multi-stakeholder discussions to advance security in the digital economy.“ In: http://www.g20.utoronto.ca/2020/2020-g20-digital-0722.html
  8. [8] Communiqué of the Virtual meeting of the G20 finance ministers and central bank governors, 18. Juli 2020: „We will continue our cooperation for a globally fair, sustainable, and modern international tax system. We acknowledge that the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the work of addressing the tax challenges arising from the digitalization of the economy. We stress the importance of the G20/OECD Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) to continue advancing the work on a global and consensus-based solution with a report on the blueprints for each pillar to be submitted to our next meeting in October 2020. We remain committed to further progress on both pillars to overcome remaining differences and reaffirm our commitment to reach a global and consensus-based solution this year. We welcome the progress made on implementing the internationally agreed tax transparency standards and the progress made on the established automatic exchange of information, as well as its advancement, marked by the agreement on the model reporting rules for digital platforms for interested countries. We welcome the annual BEPS Progress Report of the G20/OECD Inclusive Framework on BEPS. We also welcome the Progress Report of the Platform for Collaboration on Tax and continue our support to developing countries in strengthening their tax capacity to build sustainable tax revenue bases.“ In: http://www.g20.utoronto.ca/2020/2020-g20-finance-0718.html