Q3/2021 - TechAccord

The Multistakeholder Manifesto on Cybercrime, 29. September 2021

  • Am 29. September 2021 veröffentlichten der Tech Accord und das Genfer CyberPeace Institute ein „Multistakeholder Manifesto on Cybercrime: A call for responsible action and inclusion.“ [1] Das Manifest konstatiert ein exponentielles Anwachsen von Cyberkriminalität. Dieses Problem hätte eine derartige Dimension erreicht, dass es nur unter Einbeziehung aller Stakeholder gelöst werden könne. Das Manifest richtet sich an die Verhandler in den Vereinten Nationen, die bis 2023 eine UN-Konvention gegen Cyberkriminalität aushandeln wollen. Diese Verhandlungen müssten zielgerichtet auf Kriminelle ausgerichtet sein und dürften nicht dazu führen, grundlegende individuelle Rechte und Freiheiten einzuschränken oder ein offenes Internet in Frage zu stellen. Die Verhandlungen müssten auf sieben Grundätzen basieren:
    • Protect Victims [2]
    • Effectively Combat Cybercrime By Enforcing International Cooperation
    • Maintain Existing International Legal Obligations [3]
    • Focus On Accountability Mechanisms
    • Timeproof Any Treaty
    • Preserve An Open Internet [4]
    • Establishing the Right Process by
      • Pursue a systematic multistakeholder approach [5]
      • Promote transparency
      • Clarify the scope
      • Adopt a consensus-driven approach
  • Das Manifesto wurde von über 100 Individuen und Institutionen gezeichnet. Zu den Originalunterzeichnern gehören neben dem Tech Accord und dem Genfer CyberPeace Institute das Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT), das Centre for Internet and Society (CIS), das Global Forum for Cyber Expertise (GFCE), Microsoft, Packet House Clearing, die World Wide Web Foundation, die Swiss Digital Initiative, die Stiftung neue Verantwortung sowie bekannte Experten wie der Vater des Internet, Vint Cerf, Chief Internet Evangelist von Google, Chris Painter, ehemaliger Cyberbotschafter im amerikanischen Außenministerium, Eneken Tikk aus Estland und Luca Belli aus Brasilien.
Mehr zum Thema
  1. [1] The Multistakeholder Manifesto on Cybercrime: A call for responsible action and inclusion, 29. September 2021, in: https://cybertechaccord.org/the-multistakeholder-manifesto-on-cybercrime-a-call-for-responsible-action-and-inclusion/
  2. [2] Multistakeholder Manifesto: Prioritizing Human-Centric Equities within the Proposed UN Cybercrime Treaty, 29. September 2021: „The main purpose of new international law against cybercrime should be to protect targets and victims of cybercrime, offer effective remedies and an adequate set of human rights safeguards. Governments around the world have long abused cybercrime measures and used cybercrime legislation to expand state control and criminalize the publication and dissemination of unwelcome content, to impose mass surveillance and curb privacy in the name of fighting terrorism. A new treaty needs to ensure that human security, equity and dignity are protected, in line with state obligations towards their citizens. To protect the victims of cybercrime, any future legal instrument should ensure that definitions qualifying behavior as criminal are constructed with an adaptable, yet narrow scope to prevent criminalization of behavior that constitutes the exercise of fundamental freedoms and human rights.“ In: https://cybertechaccord.org/uploads/prod/2021/09/9.29-9.57PM.pdf
  3. [3] Multistakeholder Manifesto: Prioritizing Human-Centric Equities within the Proposed UN Cybercrime Treaty, 29. September 2021: „A new cybercrime treaty cannot become an avenue for states to reduce their existing obligations under international law, especially international human rights law. In that spirit, a new treaty must add to or streamline, rather than replace, existing international legal obligations upon states. Any new treaty should reinforce existing international legal obligations and be based on a clarification of the positive impact of these treaty obligations.” In: https://cybertechaccord.org/uploads/prod/2021/09/9.29-9.57PM.pdf
  4. [4] Multistakeholder Manifesto: Prioritizing Human-Centric Equities within the Proposed UN Cybercrime Treaty, 29. September 2021: „Increasing number of countries are pursuing the objective of splintering the Internet into various national spheres of influence and control. Any new cybercrime convention must not provide justification or pretext for non-democratic regimes to further endanger the open internet by closing off their digital borders to the rest of the world in the name of preventing cybercrime. To ensure an open Internet the new treaty should ensure it sets up for adjusting jurisdictional rules to account for the reality of globalized internet and free flow of information.“ In: https://cybertechaccord.org/uploads/prod/2021/09/9.29-9.57PM.pdf
  5. [5] Multistakeholder Manifesto: Prioritizing Human-Centric Equities within the Proposed UN Cybercrime Treaty, 29. September 2021: „At all points in the process, there should be meaningful multistakeholder consultation and involvement. The equities of civil society, industry, academics, researchers, technical experts, and scientific and research institutions must be included and considered. To strike the right balance in these negotiations, experts in cybersecurity, Internet governance, international law, and human rights, among other subjects, should be at the table.“ In: https://cybertechaccord.org/uploads/prod/2021/09/9.29-9.57PM.pdf