Q4/2020 - International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

ITU Virtual Digital World, November 2020

Die für Vietnam geplante World Telecom der ITU (jetzt „Digital World“) fand im November als „ITU Virtual Digital World“ statt[1]. Auch bei dieser ITU-Tagung standen die Konsequenzen der Pandemie für die digitale Zusammenarbeit im Mittelpunkt der Diskussion. Insbesondere für die Bereiche Bildung und Gesundheitswesen sei die Telekommunikationsinfrastruktur von herausragender Bedeutung und hätte zu einem regelrechten Boom bei der Entwicklung von neuen Produkten und Dienstleistungen geführt. Der Zugang zum Internet sei kritischer denn je. Da dieser aber unterschiedlich entwickelt sei, hätte die Pandemie auch die digitale Spaltung vertieft. „The pandemic has underlined the vital importance of connectivity. The ability to connect has moved way beyond a business requirement. Digital technologies have become essential tools in accessing urgent information, healthcare, advice, work, education and news. Connectivity is critical in keeping people physically apart but virtually together. At the same time, the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed a new digital divide, not only between developed and developing markets, but also between those who have and can benefit from digital technologies as our lives increasingly shift online, and those who cannot“. Die reale „Digital World“ soll im November 2021 in Hanoi stattfinden.

WTDC, WTSA & ITU Kaleidoscope, Dezember 2020

Auch andere für das 4. Quartal 2020 geplante ITU-Konferenzen wurde auf 2021 oder gar 2022 verschoben. Die alle vier Jahre stattfindende „World Telecommunication Development Conference“ (WTDC) soll jetzt vom 8. bis 19. November 2021 in Addis Abeba organisiert werden. Mit einer „Road to Addis“-Initiative will die ITU die WTDC mit einem Mix aus realen und virtuellen kleineren Meetings vorbereiten[2]. Die für November 2020 geplante und gleichfalls alle vier Jahre stattfindende „World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly“ (WTSA-20) sowie das „Global Standards Symposium“ (GSS) sollen zwischen 28. Februar und 9. März 2022 in Hyderabad stattfinden[3]. Die jährliche „ITU Kaleidoscope“-Konferenz, auf der akademische Papers zu neuesten technischen Entwicklungen im Bereich der Telekommunikation präsentiert werden, fand jedoch als Online-Event vom 7. bis 11. Dezember statt. Ein Schwerpunkt der Diskussion war die Entwicklung von 5G- und 6G-Netzwerken[4].  

Mehr zum Thema
  1. [1] ITU Virtual Digital World 2020 high-level discussions focus on digital technology in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic: „,The pandemic has provided a major challenge as well as new opportunities for the ICT sector. Sectors such as e-health and e-education have boomed as a result and will continue to play important roles. In health terms, digital technologies have underpinned areas such as track and trace operations or assisting with remote COVID-19 diagnosis and telemedicine, as well as the prediction of patterns of contagion and outbreak using AI, big data and algorithms. Education has moved online, providing e-learning for students from schools and universities worldwide, helped by innovative connectivity solutions, including free public WiFi, use of universal service funds for rural service provision, government subsidies and free access to learning platforms and websites. The pandemic has also meant that countries have fast tracked legislation and national digital transformation plans. The issue of digital literacy has become increasingly important in these difficult times. People need the right skillset to be able to survive and thrive in the digital world. Developing human capacity, therefore, needs to be at the centre of connecting the unconnected. Cybersecurity is ever more critical–as more employees are working remotely and more key information is being disseminated via digital technology, attacks have also increased during the crisis. This has caused greater vulnerability and an increased awareness of the need for appropriate legislation and cross-border cooperation." In: https://www.itu.int/en/mediacentre/Pages/pr24-2020-Virtual-Digital-World-technology-COVID-19.aspx
  2. [2] One-year countdown to the ITU 2021 World Telecommunication Development Conference kicks-off: ITU launches the Road to Addis series to focus on advancing global connectivity and SDGs and Generation Connect to increase youth engagement and empowerment, Genf, 9. November 2020; in: https://www.itu.int/en/mediacentre/Pages/pr25-2020-2021-World-Telecommunication-Development-Conference-Road-to-Addis.aspx
  3. [3] World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA-20): Change of Dates, 1. Dezember 2020, in: https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/wtsa20/Pages/default.aspx
  4. [4] Industry-driven digital transformation, ITU Kaleidoscope academic conference, Online, 7. bis 11. Dezember 2020, in: https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/academia/kaleidoscope/2020/Pages/programme.aspx