Q4/2020 - Saudi-Arabische G20-Präsidentschaft

Virtuelles G20-Gipfeltreffen, 21. November 2020

Das virtuelle 2020er G20-Gipfeltreffen unter der saudischen Präsidentschaft fand am 21. November statt. Neben Reden der Staats- und Regierungschefs wurde eine „Riyad Leaders‘ Declaration“ verabschiedet. Ratifiziert wurden die von den G20-Fachministerkonferenzen im Lauf des Jahres verabschiedeten Dokumente, darunter auch die „G20 Digital Economy Ministers' Declaration“ vom 22. Juli 2020.

In der „Riyad Leaders‘ Declaration“ gibt es mehrere Abschnitte, die sich mit der digitalen Zusammenarbeit beschäftigen. Angesprochen wird das Thema digitaler Handel. Das von Japan beim G20-Gipfeltreffen in Kobe (2019) lancierte Projekt „Data Free Flow with Trust“ (DFFT) wird unterstützt, ohne es weiter zu konkretisieren. Auch in den anderen Bereichen wie Datenschutz, künstliche Intelligenz oder geistiges Eigentum geht die „Riyad Leaders‘ Declaration“ nicht über die Absprachen vorangegangener G20-Gipfeltreffen hinaus[1]. Zum Thema digitale Währung verweist die G20-Erklärung in Artikel 17 auf die Empfehlungen der „Financial Action Task Force“ (FATF)[2]. Hinsichtlich der Digitalsteuer wird in Artikel 20 die Erwartung ausgesprochen, dass die Ergebnisse der OECD/BEPS-Verhandlungen Mitte 2021 in Kraft treten können. In Artikel 19 wird ein „erschwinglicher Zugang zum Internet“ für Entwicklungsländer gefordert[3].   

Am 1. Januar 2021 geht die G20-Präsidentschaft auf Italien über. Die italienische Präsidentschaft steht unter dem Motto „People, Planet, Prosperity“[4] und wird sich primär mit der Bewältigung der Folgen der Pandemie beschäftigen. Das G20-Gipfeltreffen ist für Ende Oktober 2021 in Rom geplant. Die G20-Digitalminister wollen sich Anfang August in Triest treffen, die Finanzminister, auf deren Tagesordnung das Thema „Digitalsteuer“ steht, Anfang Juli 2021 in Venedig.

Mehr zum Thema
  1. [1] Leaders' Declaration, Riyadh Summit, 21. November 2020: „19. Digital Economy: Connectivity, digital technologies, and policies have played a key role in strengthening our response to the pandemic and facilitating the continuation of economic activity. We take note of the Policy Options to Support Digitalization of Business Models during COVID-19. We acknowledge that universal, secure, and affordable connectivity, is a fundamental enabler for the digital economy as well as a catalyst for inclusive growth, innovation and sustainable development. We acknowledge the importance of data free flow with trust and cross-border data flows. We reaffirm the role of data for development. We support fostering an open, fair, and non-discriminatory environment, and protecting and empowering consumers, while addressing the challenges related to privacy, data protection, intellectual property rights, and security. By continuing to address these challenges, in accordance with relevant applicable legal frameworks, we can further facilitate data free flow and strengthen consumer and business trust. We recognize the importance of working with stakeholders to connect humanity by accelerating global internet penetration and bridging digital divides. We recognize the importance of promoting security in the digital economy and welcome the G20 Examples of Practices Related to Security in the Digital Economy. We will continue to promote multi-stakeholder discussions to advance innovation and a human-centered approach to Artificial Intelligence (AI), taking note of the Examples of National Policies to Advance the G20 AI Principles. We welcome both the G20 Smart Mobility Practices, as a contribution to the well-being and resilience of smart cities and communities, and the G20 Roadmap toward a Common Framework for Measuring the Digital Economy.“ In: http://www.g20.utoronto.ca/2020/2020-g20-leaders-declaration-1121.html
  2. [2] Leaders' Declaration, Riyadh Summit, 21. November 2020: „12. While responsible technological innovations can deliver significant benefits to the financial system and the broader economy, we are closely monitoring developments and remain vigilant to existing and emerging risks. No so-called 'global stablecoins' should commence operation until all relevant legal, regulatory and oversight requirements are adequately addressed through appropriate design and by adhering to applicable standards. We welcome the reports on the so-called 'global stablecoins' and other similar arrangements submitted by the FSB, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and the IMF. We look forward to the standard setting bodies engaging in the review of existing standards in light of these reports and making adjustments as needed. We look forward to the IMF's further work on macro-financial implications of digital currencies and so-called 'global stablecoins'.“ In: http://www.g20.utoronto.ca/2020/2020-g20-leaders-declaration-1121.html
  3. [3] Leaders' Declaration, Riyadh Summit, 21. November 2020: „20. International Taxation:We will continue our cooperation for a globally fair, sustainable, and modern international tax system. We welcome the Reports on the Blueprints for Pillar 1 and Pillar 2 approved for public release by the G20/OECD Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS). Building on this solid basis, we remain committed to further progress on both pillars and urge the G20/OECD Inclusive Framework on BEPS to address the remaining issues with a view to reaching a global and consensus-based solution by mid-2021. We welcome the report approved by the G20/OECD Inclusive Framework on BEPS on the tax policy implications of virtual currencies. We welcome the progress made on implementing the internationally agreed tax transparency standards and on the established automatic exchange of information. We will continue our support to developing countries in strengthening their tax capacity to build sustainable tax revenue bases.“ In: http://www.g20.utoronto.ca/2020/2020-g20-leaders-declaration-1121.html
  4. [4] Priorities of the Italien G20 Presidency: „In an increasingly interconnected world, multilateralism is far more than an abstract concept. It is the key to responding to these challenges, and the G20, bringing together much of the world’s population and of the global economy, must live up to its role. This is why the 2021 G20, under Italian Presidency, will focus on three broad, interconnected pillars of action: People, Planet, Prosperity.“ In: https://www.g20.org/en/priorita.html