Q4/2020 - US-amerikanische G7-Präsidentschaft

G7 Finanzminister, 13. Oktober 2020

Das letzte Quartal der US-amerikanischen G7-Präsidentschaft wurde überschattet von den Präsidentschaftswahlen in den USA. Im Grunde genommen kam der gesamte G7-Kooperationsmechanismus während dieser Zeit zum Erliegen. Selbst das mehrfach verschobene G7-Gipfeltreffen in Washington, das zwischenzeitlich auch als virtuelle Variante geplant wurde, wurde schließlich ganz abgesagt. Erstmalig seit 1975 gab es keine gemeinschaftliche Erklärung der Staats- und Regierungschefs der G7.

Als letztes Fachministertreffen unter der US-amerikanischen G7-Präsidentschaft fand am 13. Oktober 2020 die routinemäßige Sitzung der Finanzminister statt. In zwei Statements äußerten sich die Minister auch zu den Themen digitale Währung und Erpressungssoftware. Die Minister waren sich einig, keine digitale Währung zuzulassen, wenn sie nicht den regulatorischen Vorgaben der Regierungen entsprechen[1]. Als Risiken einer unabhängigen digitalen Währung werden insbesondere Geldwäsche und die Finanzierung von Terrorismus (money laundering, terrorist financing, and proliferation financing/ML/TF/PF) gesehen. Hinsichtlich der Zunahme des Einsatzes von Erpressungssoftware (Ransomware) über das Internet, einschließlich von Attacken auf Krankenhäuser und andere medizinische Einrichtungen, zeigen sich die Minister besorgt und fordern alle Staaten auf, die Standards der „Financial Action Task Force“ (FATF) umzusetzen[2]

Mehr zum Thema
  1. [1] G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Statement on Digital Payments, October 13, 2020: „The widespread adoption of digital payments has the potential to address frictions in existing payment systems by improving access to financial services, reducing inefficiencies, and lowering costs. At the same time, payment services should be appropriately supervised and regulated to address challenges and risks related to financial stability, consumer protection, privacy, taxation, cybersecurity, operational resilience, money laundering, terrorist and proliferation financing, market integrity, governance, and legal certainty, among others. The public sector, through the provision of fiat currency and the conduct of independent monetary policy, as well as its regulatory and supervisory roles, plays an essential role in ensuring the safety and the efficiency of payment systems, financial stability, and the achievement of macroeconomic objectives. It is in this context, that a number of G7 authorities are exploring the opportunities and risks associated with central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). Confidence in the stability of domestic payment systems and the international monetary system is underpinned by credible and longstanding public sector commitments to transparency, the rule of law, and sound economic governance. We are committed to addressing existing frictions within payment systems and to fostering continual improvement. The G7 continues to support the work of the FSB, FATF, CPMI, and other standard-setting bodies to analyze the risks associated with and determine appropriate policy responses to digital payments. In particular, the G7 underscores the importance of the G20 agenda to enhance the efficiency of cross-border payments and to address regulatory and public policy issues arising from global stablecoins and other similar arrangements. The G7 continues to maintain that no global stablecoin project should begin operation until it adequately addresses relevant legal, regulatory, and oversight requirements through appropriate design and by adhering to applicable standards.“ In: http://www.g7.utoronto.ca/finance/201013-digital-statement.html
  2. [2] Ransomware Annex to G7 Statement, Washington DC, 13. Oktober 2020: The G7 expresses its concern over the use of malicious cyber-attacks, especially ransomware. Ransomware attacks against hospitals, financial institutions, schools, and other critical infrastructure in G7 countries have been growing in scale, sophistication, and frequency. Attacks have intensified in the last two years, and illicit actors have exploited the pandemic to conduct ransomware attacks. For many companies, ransomware causes significant economic damage and threatens customer protection and data privacy. Ransomware attackers demand payments primarily in virtual assets to facilitate money laundering. The payment of ransoms demanded by these criminals can incentivize further malicious cyber activity; benefit malign actors and fund illicit activities; and present a risk of money laundering, terrorist financing, and proliferation financing (ML/TF/PF), and other illicit financial activity. In some cases, this activity occurs without victims even achieving a return to normalcy. We call upon all countries to effectively implement the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) standards to reduce criminals' access to and exploitation of financial services, particularly the updated FATF standards on virtual assets. We welcome the continued work of the FATF to address risks posed by those assets and other emerging technologies, while recognizing opportunities they may offer. The G7 will enhance its efforts at coordinated responses to ransomware, including where possible information sharing, economic measures, and support for effective implementation of the FATF standards. In: http://www.g7.utoronto.ca/finance/201013-ransomware.html