Q4/2020 - World Wide Web Foundation

1. Jahrestag des „Contract for the Web“, 10. November 2020

In einer Erklärung zum 1. Jahrestag des „Contract for the Web“ am 10. November 2020 hat die World Wide Web Foundation eine Bilanz gezogen und die Eckpunkte für die nächsten Schritte bei der Umsetzung der Absichtserklärung formuliert. Auf einer „Online-Plattform“ sollen alle Unterzeichner darüber informieren, wie sie die Prinzipien des „Contract for the Web“ praktisch umsetzen. Gute Beispiele – z.B. im Zusammenhang mit „Content Moderation“ und „Online Education“ – sollen präsentiert werden, um Nachahmer für ein „Race to the Top“ zu ermutigen. Ein „Tech Policy Design Lab“ will Stakeholder über Seminare und Workshops zusammenbringen, um innovative Politikmodelle zu entwickeln[1].

Am 10. Dezember 2020 hat die World Wide Web Foundation in einer Erklärung ihre Erwartungen an den neuen US-Präsidenten Joe Biden und seine Vize-Präsidentin Kamala Harris hinsichtlich einer globalen Digitalpolitik formuliert. Die USA müssten wieder eine führende Stimme werden auf der internationalen Bühne, wenn es um Internet Governance geht. Konkret erwartet die World Wide Web Foundation, dass sich die USA weltweit stärker engagieren, um den Zugang zum Internet – insbesondere bei Breitband – zu befördern. Die USA müssten sich auch an die Spitze stellen, wenn es um die Erreichung der nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele der UNO (SDGs) geht. Zweitens müssten sich die USA mehr engagieren, um das Internet sicherer zu machen und mehr Frauen in der digitalen Welt zu Wort kommen lassen. Drittens sollte sich die Biden-Administration für eine Beachtung der Menschenrechte im Cyberspace einsetzen. Als einen ersten Schritt sollten sie den „Contract for the Web“ unterzeichnen[2].

Mehr zum Thema
World Wide Web FoundationQ4/2020
  1. [1] What’s next for the Contract for the Web, 10. November 2020: „That’s why the Contract for the Web is set to enter a new phase. With a focus on accountability, best practices and policy design, the next steps for the Contract will drive forward sustained, coordinated action so that everyone, everywhere can connect, and so that we have the human-centered web we need to get through this crisis and be ready for the next. We know the cost of this crisis has already been intolerably high. And yet, as bad as it has been, imagine a crisis like this without the web. Right now, it’s unacceptable that far too many remain on the sidelines of our digital world. As this crisis has further underlined, the web is not a luxury. It is a lifeline — and access to it should be considered a basic human right. And access to the web is just the beginning. Our online world must also be safe and empowering for everyone. But we know right now the web’s benefits come with many risks — to our privacy, our democracy, our health, and our security. The Contract for the Web is a call to action for governments, companies and all of us as individual web users to build a better web. A web that’s always on, affordable and available to everyone. A web where privacy and data rights are respected and protected. A web that promotes the best of humanity and challenges the worst. The web we want.“, siehe: https://webfoundation.org/2020/11/whats-next-for-the-contract-for-the-web/
  2. [2] Three priorities for President Biden and Vice President Harris to show global digital leadership, 14. November 2020: „ With digital challenges on a number of fronts, the world needs the President-elect, the Vice President-elect, and their administration to show positive leadership on technology and to invest in an agenda that contributes to an equal and inclusive digital future across the globe. 1. Invest in internet access at home and abroad. The Covid-19 pandemic has deepened inequalities between those who are connected to the internet and those who are not, especially women and nonbinary people. As the pandemic has demonstrated, internet access is an indispensable lifeline, but half the world is left to navigate the crisis without it. Internet access is key to achieving all of the world’s Sustainable Development Goals, acting as a critical enabler of so many other development priorities, from education to health, to gender equality and beyond. Universal internet access and all its benefits are within reach, but need political commitment and financial support. The Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI) has estimated that an additional 8 billion investment over 10 years will be required to achieve universal access by 2030. 2. Put women front and centre of tech policy to tackle gender inequality online.The web must be safe and empowering for all. But right now, its benefits come with too many risks. Women and nonbinary people in particular are experiencing a surge of violence and abuse online — a shadow pandemic spreading alongside the Covid-19 crisis. This is unacceptable. We need tech companies and governments to make clear commitments that they will do more to ensure that women and nonbinary people can express themselves equally, freely, and without fear of violence or abuse online. As home to the world’s biggest tech companies, the US approach to regulating the tech sector will have global impact, and the steps the Biden administration takes will play a decisive role in tackling this growing crisis of online violence and abuse against women and nonbinary people. The US government must pass laws protecting human rights, and tech companies must ensure their products and services respect women’s human rights. 3. Champion human rights in the digital sphere. The US is long overdue in leading constructive policy engagement on human rights in the digital sphere. Now is the time for the US to step up. For starters, the Biden-Harris administration should endorse the Contract for the Web — a shared roadmap to a safe and empowering online world. This is a critical period for the US to get involved as the Web Foundation guides the Contract’s next steps, focused on accountability, best practices, and innovative policy design, to drive forward sustained, coordinated action to build the web we want. Just as the President-elect has marked his commitment to tackling climate change by rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement, he can mark his commitment to multilateral efforts to tackle digital challenges by backing the Contract’s ambitious and collaborative approach. … The US has always been a leader in technology and a leader in innovation, and its outsized role in the global tech landscape comes with great responsibility. What the US does truly matters for the whole world, and for our collective digital future. President-elect Biden and his administration have the opportunity to once again show positive US leadership on technology and to work constructively and collaboratively to meet the digital challenges of this moment.“, siehe: https://webfoundation.org/2020/12/three-priorities-for-president-biden-and-vice-president-harris-to-show-global-digital-leadership/