Q2/2019 - Welthandelsorganisation (WTO)

Genf, 2. April 2019

Im Januar 2019 hatten am Rande des Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos 78 WTO-Mitglieder in einer „Joint Initiative for eCommerce“ angekündigt, formelle Verhandlungen zu einer Rahmenrechtsregelung für eCommerce aufzunehmen. Im April 2019 fand eine erste informelle Sitzung in Genf statt, bei der es um Themen und Prioritäten für die zukünftigen Verhandlungen ging. Vom G20-Gipfeltreffen in Osaka Ende Juni 2019 bekamen diese WTO-Verhandlungen einen weiteren Schub. Dort hatten sich die Führer der 20 größten Industrienationen in der „G20 Osaka Declaration on the Digital Economy“ hinter die „Joint Initiative on eCommerce“ gestellt und das Prinzip „Data Free Flow with Trust“ als Leitlinie für diese Verhandlungen vereinbart (Osaka Track). WTO-Generalsekretär Roberto Azevêdo forderte auch die anderen WTO-Mitglieder auf, sich an diesen Verhandlungen zu beteiligen. Die 78 WTO-Mitglieder würden 90 Prozent des Welthandels repräsentieren. Man dürfe nicht zulassen, dass sich die digitale Welt fragmentiert.[1] Allerdings lehnten mit Indien, Südafrika und Indonesien drei G20-Länder den „Osaka Track“ ab.


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  1. [1] Rede von WTO-Generalsekretär Roberto Azevedo beim G20 Gipfeltreffen in Osaka, 28. Juni 2019: "A fragmentation of the digital economy would hurt us all. It would mean higher costs and higher barriers to entry, affecting developing countries and smaller businesses the most. The 20th century showed that a fractured global trade order was not sustainable – that’s why we created the WTO. The same is true today. You may well be working on a constitution for the economy of the 21st century. Prime Minister Abe has shown real leadership in placing a strong focus on the digital economy during this G20 Presidency. The Osaka Track commits the participants to promoting global rules on digital trade. We are working to deliver this through the WTO – and we’ve already seen huge leaps forward being taken. Negotiations are now underway between 78 WTO members, representing 90% of global trade. This is a real revolution in global trade. Most G20 members are on board. If determination is there, there will be success.", siehe https://www.wto.org/english/news_e/news19_e/dgra_28jun19_e.htm. Siehe auch Rede von WTO-Generalsekretär Roberto Azevedo, Genf, 3. Juli 2019: „While a lot of work needs to happen domestically, the international community can also play an important role to that end. Over the past few years, at the WTO, we have witnessed growing interest in discussing e-commerce issues in more detail. This includes the work under the existing Work Programme on Electronic Commerce. And it includes the Joint Initiative on E-commerce. This initiative, which is open to all WTO members, now includes 78 members representing 90% of global trade. And they have now begun negotiations on e‑commerce issues, as they relate to trade. We are seeing discussions touch upon a range of issues, including conversations related to development. Participants are interested in understanding the unique challenges faced by developing countries and LDCs and what kind of assistance they need to participate in e-commerce flows. This is encouraging. This effort should be as inclusive as possible. We can't allow a fragmentation of the digital world. It would mean higher costs and higher barriers to entry, affecting developing countries and smaller businesses the most. In fact, this was a strong message that has also emerged from the G20 Summit in Osaka, where leaders launched the "Osaka track" to help guide these efforts. I think the international community has a unique opportunity now to address some of the fundamental challenges of the digital economy and build a more inclusive trading system.“ https://www.wto.org/english/news_e/spra_e/spra274_e.htm