Q2/2020 - Europäische Union, Brüssel, April - Juni 2020

EU-Hilfspaket zu Covid-19 „Europe's Moment: Repair and Prepare for the Next Generation: A Deeper and More Digital Single Market“, Brüssel, 27. Mai 2020

Am 27. Mai 2020 verabschiedete die EU ihr umfangreiches Hilfspaket zur Bewältigung der Folgen der Covid-19-Krise. In einer Kommunikation der Kommission an das Europäische Parlament und den Europäischen Rat wird ein 20 Seiten umfassendes Programm unter dem Titel „Europe's moment: Repair and Prepare for the Next Generation“ vorgestellt.

Das Programm enthält im Abschnitt 4.2 einen umfangreichen Katalog von Maßnahmen für eine beschleunigte Digitalisierung Europas. Die Krise wäre für Europa eine einmalige Chance, sich global als sicherer und effektiver Partner in einem rechtsstaatlich basierten Cyberspace zu präsentieren. EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen bekräftigte in ihrer Rede zu dem Hilfspaket die in ihrer Grundsatzrede vom 17. Februar 2020 vorgetragene Konzeption eines „grünen und digitalen Europas.“ In dem neuen Dokument heißt es u.a.: „This is Europe’s moment. Our willingness to act must live up to the challenges we are facing. National efforts alone will not be enough - Europe is in a unique position to be able to invest in a collective recovery and a better future for next generations. This is our defining generational task. The investment we make through Next Generation EU will not only help kick-start the economies and support workers, companies and regions today. It will invest in the future and make us more resilient so that we emerge stronger and further forward than before. We will accelerate the twin green and digital transition and make sure that people are at the heart of the recovery.“

Der Aktionsplan enthält vier konkrete Ziele für ein digitales Europa:

  • Verbesserung der Kommunikationsinfrastruktur und schneller Ausbau der 5G-Netze,
  • Stärkere Präsenz europäischer Unternehmen in strategischen Bereichen der Digitalwirtschaft, insbesondere bei künstlicher Intelligenz, Cybersicherheit, Supercomputing und Clouddiensten,
  • Aufbau einer Datenwirtschaft als Motor für Innovation und zur Schaffung von neuen Arbeitsplätzen,
  • Stärkung der Cyberelastizität Europas (Increased Cyber Resilience)[1].

Der Aktionsplan in seiner Gänze umfasst ein Volumen von 750 Milliarden €. Der Plan schlüsselt jedoch nicht auf, wie viel davon in die neue und jetzt erweitere EU-Digitalstrategie fließen soll. In einem „Factsheet“ zur Finanzierung der entsprechenden Maßnahmen geht die EU-Kommission aber davon aus, dass ein Großteil der Mittel durch neue Einnahmequellen erst noch erschlossen werden muss. So erwartet die Kommission von der noch nicht beschlossenen Digitalsteuer jährlich Einnahmen von bis zu 1.3 Milliarden €[2].

Erklärung zum Missbrauch des Cyberspace für kriminelle Aktivitäten während der Pandemie, EU-Außenbeauftragter Josep Borell, Brüssel, 30. April 2020

Am 30. April gab der Außenbeauftragte der EU, Josep Borrell, im Namen der EU eine Erklärung ab zu kriminellen Aktivitäten im Cyberspace während der Covid-19-Krise. Die EU verurteile jedwede Cyberangriffe auf kritische Infrastrukturen, einschließlich DDoS-Attacken, Erpressungssoftware, Phishing-Aktivitäten oder Desinformationskampagnen. Lösungen für Probleme müssten in den beiden UN-Cybersicherheitsverhandlungsgruppen (UN-GGE und OEWG) gefunden werden[3]. Am 14. Mai 2020 verlängerte die EU ihr im Mai 2019 eingeführtes Sanktionsregime gegen Staaten, denen kriminelle Cyberaktivitäten nachgewiesen wurden[4].

Berufung der EU-Stakeholders Cybersecurity Certification Group (SCCG), Brüssel, 22. Juni 2020

Am 22. Juni 2020 verkündete EU-Kommissar Thierry Breton die Einsetzung einer neuen “Stakeholders Cybersecurity Certification Group“ (SCCG), die die EU-Kommission und die Europäische Agentur für Cybersicherheit (ENISA) in strategischen Fragen zum Thema Zertifizierung und Cybersicherheit beraten soll. Die Bildung der SCCG war in der EU-Richtlinie zur Cybersicherheit von 2019 vereinbart worden. Ein europäisches Zertifizierungssystem soll Vertrauen und Sicherheit in ICT-Produkte und -Dienstleitungen erhöhen und eine Marktfragmentierung verhindern. Breton sagte bei der Inauguration der Gruppe: „Not only will certification play a crucial role in increasing trust and security in ICT products, but it will also provide European companies with the necessary tools to demonstrate that their products and services have state of the art cybersecurity features. This will in turn allow them to better compete in the global market. The Stakeholder Cybersecurity Certification Group will help by bringing about the needed expertise and advice for the creation of a tailored and risk-based EU certification system“[5].

Die Gruppe hat 50 Mitglieder, darunter auch die Deutsche Telekom, Infineon, die Robert Bosch GmbH, SAP, Thales, ETNO, BEUC, ETSI und die ITU[6].

Öffentliche Konsultationen zum „Digital Service Act“, Brüssel, 2. Juni 2020

Am 2. Juni 2020 hat die Europäische Kommission eine öffentliche Konsultation zum geplanten „Digital Services Act“ gestartet. Die Ausarbeitung dieser neuen Richtline hatte EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen in ihrer Grundsatzrede am 19. Februar 2020 angekündigt. Der „Digital Services Act“ soll das grundlegende Gesetzbuch für alle digitalen Dienstleistungen in Europa werden. Die Konsultation richtet sich an alle Stakeholder aus der Wirtschaft, der Wissenschaft, der Zivilgesellschaft, Online-Plattformen und andere interessierte Gruppen. Dier Konsultation ist offen bis zum 4. September 2020. Erwartet wird, dass der „Digital Services Act“ noch 2021 verabschiedet wird[7].

Gründung eines „European Digital Media Observatory“ (EDMO), Brüssel, 1. Juni 2020

Am 1. Juni 2020 hat die EU ein neues „European Digital Media Observatory“ (EDMO) eröffnet. Das Observatorium soll sich insbesondere mit Fake News, Desinformationskampagnen und Hassrede im Internet auseinandersetzen. EDMO soll eine Multistakeholder- und multidisziplinäre Community von Fakt-Checkern, Akademikern, zivilgesellschaftlichen Gruppen und Medienorganisationen zusammenführen und unterstützen. Das EDMO Konsortium wird vom Europäischen Institut in Florenz geleitet. Dem EDMO-Konsortium gehören das Athens Technology Center in Griechenland und die Universität Aarhus in Dänemark sowie die italienische Fakt-Checking Organisation Pagella Politica an. In einer zweiten Phase – nach einem für den Herbst angekündigten Call for Proposals – soll das Netzwerk weiter ausgebaut werden[8]. EDNO ist Teil des am 5. Dezember 2018 verabschiedeten EU-Aktionsplans gegen Desinformation.

Öffentliche Konsultation zur Digitalisierung des kulturellen Erbes, 22. Juni 2020

Am 22. Juni 2020 hat die Europäische Kommission eine öffentliche Konsultation zum Thema „Digitaltechnologie und kulturelles Erbe“ gestartet. Bereits 2011 hatte die EU dazu eine Empfehlung verabschiedet. Durch den Brand von Notre-Dame in Paris und die Covid-19-Krise sei die Notwendigkeit, kulturelles Erbe zu digitalisieren und es weltweit online zugänglich zu machen, noch stärker ins Bewusstsein gerückt. Die EU-Kommission erwartet sich von der Konsultation, die bis zum 14. September 2020 geht, Impulse, wie die Digitalisierung des europäischen kulturellen Erbes effektiver und innovativer gestaltet werden kann[9].

High Level Internet Governance Working Group (HLIG), Brüssel, 28. Januar 2020

Am 12. Juni 2020 fand eine weitere Sitzung der EU High Level Group on Internet Governance (HLIG) als virtuelles Meeting am Rande der virtuellen EuroDIG statt[10]. Auf der Tagesordnung standen neben der Beteiligung der EU an EuroDIG der geplante EU Digital Services Act, die Strategie der EU für ein digitales Europa vor dem Hintergrund der Covid-19-Krise, die UN Roadmap zur digitalen Zusammenarbeit, die Vorbereitungen für das virtuelle IGF durch die polnische Regierung, die bevorstehende 68. ICANN-Tagung sowie Probleme im Zusammenhang mit technische Standards wie DoH und New IP. Pearse O'Donohue, "Direktor der „Future of Networks“ Unit in der DG CONNECT der EU-Kommission, der auch Vorsitzender der HLIG ist, bezeichnete EuroDIG als das zentrale Forum zur Diskussion des europäischen Herangehens an die globale Internet-Governance-Debatte[11].

ENISA: Komitee für Cybersicherheit und künstliche Intelligenz gebildet, 14. Juni 2020

Am 10. Juni 2020 wurde die neue „Ad-Hoc Cybersecurity Working Group on Artificial Intelligence“ von der Europäischen Agentur für Cybersicherheit (ENISA) berufen. Die neue Gruppe soll ENISA helfen zu erforschen, welche Konsequenzen sich aus der Entwicklung von künstlicher Intelligenz für die Sicherheit im Cyberspace ergeben und welche neuen Bedrohungen für die digitale Kommunikation entstehen können. Die Gruppe soll ENISA Empfehlungen geben, welche Maßnahmen notwendig sind, um Vertrauen und Cybersicherheit zu stärken[12]. Die Gruppe hat 15 Mitglieder, darunter Sven Herpig von der Stiftung Neue Verantwortung und Christian Berghoff von der Bundesagentur für Informationssicherheit. Das Mandat der Gruppe ist zunächst auf ein Jahr begrenzt, kann aber verlängert werden. Ein erster umfassender Bericht der Gruppe wird im Jahr 2021 erwartet[13].

EU-Kommissar Thierry Breton zum chinesischen Vorschlag für ein neues Internet-Protokoll (New IP), 3. Juni 2020

Bei einer Fragestunde des Europäischen Parlaments am 3. Juni 2020 äußerte sich der für Digitalpolitik zuständige EU-Kommissar Thierry Breton zum chinesischen Vorschlag, im Rahmen der ITU ein neues Internet-Protokoll (New IP) auszuarbeiten. Breton wies das Argument, das bestehende Internet-Protokoll TCP/IP wäre nicht hinreichend, um zukünftige 5G- oder 6G-basierte Internet-Dienste zu ermöglichen und es bedürfe daher eines neuen Internet-Protokolls, zurück. Gerade die Covid-19-Krise mit dem enormen Anschwellen der Nutzung bestehender und neuer digitaler Dienste hätte die Leistungsfähigkeit von TCP/IP demonstriert (demonstrated a high level of resilience, scalability and adaptability, enabling the growth of the global Internet). Grundsätzlich sehe die EU-Kommission weitere Verbesserung von Internet-Protokollen positiv. Diese sollten jedoch im Rahmen der etablierten Internet-Standardisierungs-Organisationen (SDOs) stattfinden auf der Basis der Prinzipien Transparenz, Bottom-up und Offenheit für alle Stakeholder. Die EU, die formell nicht Mitglied der ITU ist, empfehle ihren 27 Mitgliedstaaten, sich bei der bevorstehenden World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA) entsprechend zu positionieren. Die Europäische Kommission stehe für ein unfragmentiertes, offenes, neutrales, freies und einheitliches Internet, für erlaubnisfreie Innovation, Datenschutz, die Stärkung der Internet-Nutzer und die Beachtung der Menschenrechte im Cyberspace[14].

Mehr zum Thema
  1. [1] COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, THE EUROPEAN COUNCIL, THE COUNCIL, THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTE AND THE COMMITTEE OF THE REGIONS, Europe's moment: Repair and Prepare for the Next Generation {SWD(2020) 98 final}, 27. Mai 2020: „4.2 A deeper and more digital single market The pandemic and its consequences on our lives and economies have highlighted the importance of digitisation across all areas of EU economy and society. New technologies have kept our businesses and public services running, and made sure that trade could continue flowing. They have helped us all to stay connected, to work remotely and to support our children’s learning. In the long run, this is likely to trigger permanent and structural changes in societal and economic life: more teleworking, e-learning, e-commerce, e-government. This highlights the potential of developing a universally accepted e-ID - public electronic identity – to allow for simple, trusted and secure access to cross-border digital public services. Four elements will be key for a digital recovery, helping to stimulate competitive innovation and to provide users with greater choice. First, we will need to invest in more and better connectivity. The rapid deployment of 5G will have spill-over effects across the whole digital society and increase Europe’s strategic autonomy. This will support wider efforts to build infrastructure that can handle emerging and future processes and applications. It will also provide the necessary bandwidth for health, education, transport, logistics and media which are essential for our resilience, competitiveness and economic recovery. Second, we will need a stronger industrial and technological presence in strategic parts of the digital supply chain. Just as it became clear how important connectivity and digital technologies are, we are also reminded of the importance of security of technology. This reaffirms the need for Europe to have tech sovereignty where it matters, as well as keeping open trade and the flow of innovation going. In this spirit, recovery investment will be channeled towards strategic digital capacities and capabilities, including artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, secured communication, data and cloud infrastructure, 5G and 6G networks, supercomputers, quantum and blockchain. This will be a priority in the Recovery and Resilience Facility, InvestEU and the Strategic Investment Facility. The investment guidelines for the new Solvency Support Instrument will also reflect the need to prioritise digital investments. This will also help to bridge Europe’s digital divide, which has become even more apparent during the crisis. Third, we must build a real data economy as a motor for innovation and job creation. Data offers opportunities for businesses to develop products and services. To make the most of this, we need common European data spaces in key sectors and areas, including in support of European industry, the implementation of the European Green Deal, health, mobility and public administration. To bring this to life, the Commission will present legislative action on data sharing and governance to help put in place the right structures to handle data sharing across Member States and sectors, tackle barriers to digital trade and make Europe fit and able to compete in the 21st global economy. This will facilitate the setting up of common data spaces and strengthen governance on issues such as data portability or access. This will be followed by a Data Act, which will establish the conditions for better access and control of industrial data. The Commission will also propose to make high value government datasets available for the common good through more open access for research, innovation and SMEs. The fourth element is the need for a fairer and easier business environment, The extended lockdown boosted internet shopping and online business models. This trend will only accelerate in the months and years to come, with more companies switching to digital to do business. However, the online environment is currently dominated by a number of large platforms. Their position – and their greater access to key data resources – has an impact on the ability of smaller European companies to start up, scale up or make the most of the Single Market. These issues must be addressed if Europe is to make the most of the digital recovery. In this spirit, one of the aims of the new Digital Services Act will be to improve the legal framework for digital services, with clear rules for online platforms. It will offer greater security for consumers online, prevent the abuse of market power by platforms and ensure a fair market place with equal opportunities for smaller businesses. We must also focus on reducing administrative burden and making it easier for companies, especially SMEs, to use digital tools, such as e-signature. They need support to get easier access to data and reduce red tape through digital solutions, for example for contracts. The use of one-stop support shops and simplifying online administrative procedures should be encouraged. Digitisation of public procurement, including by developing national e-procurement systems and platforms, will be prioritised. This will be supported by the full implementation of the company law package to facilitate the digitisation and mobility of companies and of the single digital gateway. During the last weeks, we have also witnessed an extraordinary increase in malicious attacks from multiple sources, attempting to capitalise on the disruption caused by the pandemic for criminal or for geopolitical reasons. Improving the digital capabilities of law enforcement will preserve their ability to protect citizens effectively. The digitisation of justice systems can improve access to justice and the operation of the business environment. A new Cybersecurity Strategy will look at how to boost EU-level cooperation, knowledge and capacity. It will also help Europe strengthen its industrial capabilities and partnerships, and encourage the emergence of SMEs in the field. This will accompany the review of the Directive on security of network and information systems and a proposal for additional measures on Critical Infrastructure Protection. Together with the ongoing work on cybersecurity as part of the EU Security Union, this will increase capabilities within Member States and boost the EU’s overall cybersecurity. … As Europe sets off on its path to recovery towards a greener, digital and more resilient economy and society, the need to improve and adapt skills, knowledge and competences becomes all the more important. The crisis has also shown the importance of digital skills, for children, students, teachers, trainers and all of us to communicate and work. The Commission will come forward with a Skills Agenda for Europe and an updated Digital Education Action Plan., in: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?qid=1590732521013&uri=COM:2020:456:FIN
  2. [2] Financing the Recovery Plan for Europe, 27. Mai 2020, Revenue sources of the EU budget: Possible additional own resources to be added at a later stage of the 2021-2027 financial period: Punkt 4: Digital tax on companies with a global annual turnover of above €750 million to generate up to €1.3 billion per year.“ Siehe:
  3. [3] Declaration by the High Representative Josep Borrell, on behalf of the European Union, on malicious cyber activities exploiting the coronavirus pandemic, Ensuring cyber security in times of coronavirus: „As the coronavirus pandemic spreads around the world, the European Union and its Member States have observed cyber threats and malicious cyber activities targeting essential operators in Member States and their international partners, including in the healthcare sector. Since the beginning of the pandemic, significant phishing and malware distribution campaigns, scanning activities and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks have been detected, some affecting critical infrastructures that are essential to managing this crisis. The European Union and its Member States condemn this malicious behaviour in cyberspace, express solidarity with all countries that are victims of malicious cyber activities and underline their continued support to increase global cyber resilience. Any attempt to hamper the ability of critical infrastructures is unacceptable. All perpetrators must immediately refrain from conducting such irresponsible and destabilising actions, which can put people’s lives at risk. We need the entire world to stand united in this global fight against the virus. It is a matter of humanity and universally shared values. The European Union and its Member States share a common vision of the cyber threats and are resolute to prevent, discourage, deter and respond to them, notably through the continued exchange of information and incident handling cooperation, as well as the use of their framework for a joint EU diplomatic response to malicious cyber activities. To this end, the European Union and its Member States will further reinforce their cooperation at technical, operational, judicial and diplomatic levels, including with their international partners. The European Union and its Member States call upon every country to exercise due diligence and take appropriate actions against actors conducting such activities from its territory, consistent with international law and the 2010, 2013 and 2015 consensus reports of the United Nations Groups of Governmental Experts (UNGGEs) in the field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security. The ongoing work of the sixth UNGGE and the UN Open-ended Working Group (OEWG) in the field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security is crucial to strengthening international cooperation towards a global, open, stable, peaceful and secure cyberspace where human rights, fundamental freedoms and the rule of law fully apply.“, in: https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2020/04/30/declaration-by-the-high-representative-josep-borrell-on-behalf-of-the-european-union-on-malicious-cyber-activities-exploiting-the-coronavirus-pandemic/
  4. [4] Council extends cyber sanctions regime until 18 May 2021, 14. Mai 2020, „The Council today adopted a decision extending for one more year, until 18 May 2021, the restrictive measures framework against cyber-attacks which threaten the EU or its member states. The European Union will therefore keep its ability to impose targeted restrictive measures on persons or entities involved in cyber-attacks which cause a significant impact, and constitute an external threat to the EU or its member states. Restrictive measures can also be imposed in response to cyber-attacks against third states or international organisations where such measures are considered necessary to achieve the objectives of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). The underlying purpose remains that of deterring and responding to cyber activities directed against the EU or its member states. Restrictive measures include a ban on persons travelling to the EU, and an asset freeze on persons and entities. In addition, EU persons and entities are forbidden from making funds available to those listed., in: https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2020/05/14/cyber-security-council-extends-sanctions-regime-until-18-may-2021/
  5. [5] EU Cybersecurity: A newly-formed stakeholders group will work on the cybersecurity certification framework, Brüssel 24. Juni 2020, in: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/eu-cybersecurity-newly-formed-stakeholders-group-will-work-cybersecurity-certification
  6. [6] Mitglieder der Gruppe sind: ACEA - European Automobile Manufacturers Association, ACI Europe, Airbus CyberSecurity SAS, ANEC, APPLiA - Home Appliance Europe, Association of TÜV testing, inspection, and certification bodies, BEUC - The European Consumer Organisation, BusinessEurope, COCIR, Deutsche Telekom AG, DIGITALEUROPE, ESMIG, ETNO - European Telecommunication Network Operators' Association, Eurelectric, European Banking Federation, European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation (CENELEC), European Committee for Standardisation (CEN), European co-operation for Accreditation (EA), European Cyber Security Organisation, European Data Protection Board (EDPB), European DIGITAL SME Alliance, European Semiconductor Industry Association, European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), Eurosmart, Fundación TECNALIA Research & Innovation, GSMA, Hermes Bay, IBERDROLA, Infineon Technologies AG, International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO), International Telecommunication Union (ITU), jtsec Beyond IT Security S.L., LEET Security LSTI, MedTech Europe, National Cybersecurity Competence Centre, OASIS, Orgalim, OVH, Philips, Politecnico di Milano, Polska Izba Informatyki i Telekomunikacji, RISE RESEARCH INSTITUTES OF SWEDEN AB, Robert Bosch GmbH, SAP, Schneider Electric, SGS, Thales, TIC Council, in: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/eu-cybersecurity-newly-formed-stakeholders-group-will-work-cybersecurity-certification
  7. [7] Commission launches consultation to seek views on Digital Services Act package, 2. Juni 2020, in: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/commission-launches-consultation-seek-views-digital-services-act-package
  8. [8] The European Digital Media Observatory project kicks off , 2. Juni 2020, „The European Digital Media Observatory aims to become the European hub to fight online disinformation. It will pool resources, provide tools and networking instruments, and create a safe harbour for data access to fact-checkers and researchers who work to debunk, expose, understand and analyse disinformation activities, trends and techniques online ….The creation of the Observatory is one of the elements in the Commission’s detailed Action Plan against disinformation, published on 5 December 2018. The plan aims to reinforce capabilities and strengthen cooperation between Member States and the EU in four key areas: improving detection, coordinating responses, working with online platforms and industry, raising awareness and empower citizens to respond to disinformation online.“ in: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/european-digital-media-observatory-project-kicks
  9. [9] Commission launches public consultation on digital access to European cultural heritage, 22. Juni 2020, in: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/commission-launches-public-consultation-digital-access-european-cultural-heritage
  10. [10] Siehe: High Level Group on Internet Governance (E02450), CNECT - DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology, Brüssel In: https://ec.europa.eu/transparency/regexpert/index.cfm?do=groupDetail.groupDetail&groupID=2450
  11. [11] Pearse O'Donohue, Messages from EuroDIG - the European Dialogue on Internet Governance, Brüssel, 23. Juni 2020, „A plenary session on Digital Sovereignty that the Commission had co-organised with other stakeholders was in the agenda of the event. Digital Sovereignty will be one of the main priorities in the digital and technological portfolios of the coming years. There we stressed how digital sovereignty has a twofold and complementary meaning: on one side the users’ control over their personal data and activities online, in full respect of the democratic principles that the EU holds dear; and on the other side research and innovation investments and policies that will ensure strategic autonomy for Europe in the technological supply chain. These ambitious goals cannot be reached in isolation, but only through effective cooperation with other actors. This is why the Commission strongly supports the effort of the UN Secretary General Guterres and his UN High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation initiative. After two years of broad consultations, the UN Secretary General last week published a Roadmap containing concrete recommendations on how to strengthen Global Digital Cooperation, and it is not a coincidence that one of the main chapters of the Roadmap focuses on the reform of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) and the role of its national and regional instances. These recommendations are in tune with what the Commission has put forward on the reform of the IGF, and we will certainly expect the European stakeholder community to play a central role on this in the coming months… The discussions and interventions were meaningful and the dialogues among the different stakeholders conveyed different and sometimes controversial perspectives, in line with the spirit of EuroDIG. In the coming years, we will need to ensure that this spirit is maintained, while focusing our efforts on broadening citizens’ participation. Part of the added value of EuroDIG is, in fact, that it allows us to convey simple messages on a range of issues that have, and will have even more in the future, a high impact on the European citizens daily life. In this way, EuroDIG can become an essential platform for Europe’s future role in the Global Digital Cooperation and in internet governance. Let’s work together for an even better EuroDIG!“ in: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/blogposts/messages-eurodig-european-dialogue-internet-governance
  12. [12] ENISA working group on Artificial Intelligence cybersecurity kick-off, 10. Juni 2020, „Atificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer in the realm of science fiction and futuristic scenarios. It is already changing everyday life, improving the provision of services by automating procedures and systems, and rapidly processing large amounts of data. AI has the potential to lead the digital transformation paradigm shift, and, in many ways, is already doing so.The benefits of Artificial Intelligence may only be attained if AI itself can be trustworthy and cybersecure. We are already witnessing attacks against AI systems that aim to negatively manipulate their behaviour and lead to unintentional operations by adversaries. The European Commission has highlighted the importance of AI in society and the economy; and, most recently, in its White Paper on Artificial Intelligence, the Commission has underlined the need for AI to be secure. This white paper is the frontrunner to forthcoming policy initiatives in the area that will shape the future of AI deployment and its wide adoption by the public. Recognizing the significance of cybersecurity for Artificial Intelligence, ENISA has set up an Ad-Hoc Working Group in line with the European Commission’s directions and policies.“, in: https://www.enisa.europa.eu/news/enisa-news/enisa-working-group-on-artificial-intelligence-cybersecurity-kick-off
  13. [13] Mitglieder der Gruppe sind: Caroline Baylon, AXA, Christian Berghoff, Bundesagentur für Informationssicherheit (BSI), Stephan Brunessaux, Airbus, Luis Burdalo S2 Grupo, Giuseppe Dacquisto, Italienische Datenschutzbehörde, Ernesto Damiani, Universität Mailand, Sven Herpig, Stiftung Neue Verantwortung, Caroline Louveaux, Mastercard, Jochen Mistiaen, DigitalEurope, Duy Cu Nguyen, Post Luxemburg, Nineta Polemi, Universität Piräus. Isabel Praca. Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP), George Sharkov Ministerium für Verteidigung Bulgarien und European Software Institute CEE, Vincent Slieker, National Cyber Security Center, Niederlande, Ewelina Szczekocka, Orange Polska SA, siehe: https://www.enisa.europa.eu/topics/iot-and-smart-infrastructures/artificial_intelligence/adhoc_wg_calls
  14. [14] Thierry Breton, European Parliament, 3. Juni 2020, Question reference: E-002042/2020: „The Commission is aware of the proposal on a ‘New IP, Shaping Future Networks’ put forward by Huawei in the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). The proposal asserts that the current Internet protocol is unsuitable for the development of new digital applications and that this calls for the development of a new protocol. The Commission notes that the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) has demonstrated a high level of resilience, scalability and adaptability, enabling the growth of the global Internet to date. Its resilience and adaptability have been tested during the COVID-19 crisis. The Commission acknowledges the need for the continuous improvement of the Internet protocols, but considers that this should take place primarily in the relevant Internet standards bodies, based on a decision-making process that is transparent, bottom-up and open to all stakeholders. The EU, represented by the Commission, is a sector member of the ITU, while the 27 EU Member States are full members. The Commission is considering to propose a EU position on key issues at the forthcoming World Telecommunication Standardisation Assembly (WTSA) taking place in India in November 2020, including on the one subject to this written question. In the ITU like in other Internet governance bodies, the Commission, representing the Union, defends the vision of a single, open, neutral, free and un-fragmented Internet, supporting permission-less innovation, privacy and users’ empowerment, as well as the protection of all fundamental rights online or offline.“ In: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-9-2020-002042-ASW_EN.html; siehe auch New Zealand Herald, 18. Juni 2020, EU hits out at China's bid to rewrite rules of the internet, in: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=12338972