Q2/2020 - Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development

Agenda for Action, 02. April 2020

Am 02. April 2020 verabschiedete die „Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development“ bei einem außerordentlichen virtuellen Meeting eine „Agenda for Action“, um den Folgen der Pandemie für den Bereich von Information und Kommunikation abzumildern. Die Agenda umfasst drei Bereiche: Stabile Konnektivität, erschwinglichen Zugang zum Internet und sichere Informationsverbreitung[1]. Bei dem Treffen sprachen u.a. Houlin Zhao, Generalsekretär der ITU und Fabrizio Hochschildt, UN-Untergeneralsekretär. UNESCO-Generaldirektorin Audrey Azoulay bemerkte, dass eine Milliarde Schüler und Studenten von Schulschließungen weltweit betroffen sind. Dies hätte zu einer weiteren Vertiefung der Ungleichheiten und Ungerechtigkeiten im Bildungssektor geführt, die nur durch eine verbesserte weltweite Digitalisierung wieder ausgeglichen werden könnte[2].

Mehr zum Thema
  1. [1] Broadband Commission Agenda for Action, 2. April 2020, „Never before have broadband networks and services been so vital to our health and safety and to keeping our economy and societies working. Digital is truly the hidden hero of this unprecedented global crisis. With the new coronavirus continuing to ravage many nations around the globe and now beginning to make in-roads in countries less well-equipped to handle a major health emergency, immediate action is needed to ensure no one is left behind in humanity's collective response to the crisis…. A global pandemic demands a global response. The stakes have never been higher. We believe that building, reinforcing and scaling digital cooperation around three key broadband pillars will help accelerate our collective response to COVID-19 and lay the groundwork for a better and faster recovery built on a broadband internet enabled world. Commissioners and their organizations are urgently collaborating to compile and disseminate a repository of tangible actions based on the three pillars of resilient connectivity, affordable access, and safe use of online services for informed and educated societies, to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and ease the immediate adverse impacts for economies and societies.“ In: https://www.broadbandcommission.org/COVID19/Pages/default.aspx
  2. [2] Special emergency session of the Broadband Commission pushes for action to extend internet access and boost capacity to fight COVID-19, 2. April 2020: „UNESCO DG Azoulay's message also emphasized "a duty to start thinking about the world after COVID-19. We need to address the inequalities in access and skills which have been so starkly revealed by the crisis, and which are so damaging to those who are most vulnerable," she said.“ In: https://www.itu.int/en/mediacentre/Pages/PR05-2020-Broadband-Commission-emergency-session-internet-COVID-19.aspx